



美式发音: [ɪnˈdʒest] 英式发音: [ɪn'dʒest]



第三人称单数:ingests  现在分词:ingesting  过去式:ingested  同义词反义词


v.absorb,take in,swallow,consume,eat



v.1.to take food or drink into the body

1.摄取 broken down 分解 ingested 摄取,吸收 circulatory system 循环系统 ...

2.吸收 broken down 分解 ingested 摄取,吸收 circulatory system 循环系统 ...

3.摄入 Infested Blood 大量出血 Ingested 摄入 Inherit Disease 遗传疾病 ...

4.消化 Infrared pght 红外线光 Ingested 消化 Inhibitation 抑制作用 ...


1.he did not use acetaminophen and had not ingested wild mushrooms.患者无对乙酰氨基酚用药史,无野生蘑菇食用史。

2.The child had not ingested almond and her mother did not report almond intake during her breast-feeding.这孩子没有摄入杏仁和她的母亲没有报告杏仁摄入量在她哺乳。这个观测点的问题可能皮宣传食物蛋白质。

3.I showed up to that interview having ingested nothing but dark chocolate M&Ms and Diet Pepsi for two full days.整整两天,我只吃了两块M&Ms黑巧克力和一点百事可乐,然后就冲好凉去面试。

4.The body simply absorbs more (in an attempt to meet needs) when reduced quantities are ingested.为满足需要,人体只会在摄入量减少时吸收得更多。

5.Ingested foreign bodies also have been found to be the cause of perforation of the wall of the intestine.吞下异物也曾被发现是小肠壁穿孔的原因。

6.Just as apples can he prepared and eaten in a variety of ways, consciousness can be prepared and ingested in a variety of ways.就像准备以各种不同的方式吃苹果一样,意识可以有不同的方式被准备好和吸收。

7.Suddenly Jay's whole body stiffened, as if he'd ingested some paralyzing poison.突然,杰伊叔叔全身变得僵硬,好像吞下了使人麻痹的毒药一般。

8.The morbidity and mortapty of the host species is usually proportional to the number of cocidial oocyst ingested.宿主的发病率和死亡率与吃进球虫卵囊的数目,通常是成正比的。

9.Cloves when ingested stimulate or heat up the digestive system allowing for more nutrients to be absorbed in the small intestine.丁香当食用时刺激或升温了消化系统,允许更多养分在小肠中被吸收。

10.Strange ingested enough water to severely dilute the sodium levels in her bloodstream and bring about her death.斯特兰奇喝入的水大量地削弱了她血液内钠的浓度,这最终导致了她的死亡。