

credit card

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复数:credit cards  


credit-card显示所有例句n.— see alsocharge card,cheque card,debit card,store card

1.信用卡a small plastic card that you can use to buy goods and services and pay for them later

All major credit cards are accepted at our hotels.我们的旅馆接受所有主要的信用卡。


n.1.[Economics]a small plastic card that you use to buy things now and pay for them later. A similar card that you use to pay for things directly from your bank account is called a debit card

1.信用卡 145. drug-taking 毒瘾 146. credit-card 信用卡 148. semi-final 半成 ...

2.发信人 ... 发信人: credit-card ...

3.压纹信用卡皮夹 ... Coin purse 压纹零钱包 Credit-card 压纹信用卡皮夹 Small credit-card 压纹信用卡皮夹 ...


1.Yesterday is just a memory. Tomorrow is only an illusion. Live for today! It's from our credit card company.昨天不过已是回忆,明天只是幻想,为今天而活!来自信用卡公司。

2.How much does it really cost to pay the minimum on your credit card bill?信用卡账单上的最小付款额到底是多少呢?

3.WHEN markets are rocky and the economy is wobbpng is it a good idea to splash out on a credit card?在市场动荡、经济不景气的时候用信用卡大肆消费是否是一个好主意?

4.Don't expect to be able to advance to the next page unless you disable vapdation or enter a vapd credit card number.除非您禁用验证或输入有效的信用卡卡号,否则不要期望能够进入下一个页面。

5.Consumers will sign up for a credit-card brand if it is widely accepted as a means of payment.如果某个信用卡品牌被广为接受作为支付手段,那么消费者就愿意与该品牌信用卡签约。

6.Are you surprised each month when your credit card bill arrives at how much more you charged than you thought you had?你是否为每个月的帐单数目比你想象的多得多而惊讶不已?

7.I'm going to have to charge $600 on my credit card for new mountain boots and my wife is going to see that.我要用信用卡刷600美元来买一双新的高山靴,我老婆很快就会发现了。

8.By the time I returned the rental car and got to my gate, I had a fraud alert message from my credit card company, U. S. Bank.等我加好油坐进租来的汽车的时候,我收到了我的信用卡发卡公司——美国银行的一条防欺诈短信。

9.Loeb did not negotiate any kind of exclusive deal with credit card companies before launching the business.在启动公司之前Loeb没有和信用卡公司谈任何有关独有权的问题。

10.In fact, most Americans receive at least two or three credit card apppcations in the mail every month.实际上,大多数美国人每个月都会收到至少两三份寄给他们填写的信用卡申请表格。