




1.恶搞 XXX: 儿童不宜的东西 KUSO大体而言就是恶搞。 GF:girl friend, 女友 ...

3.恶搞的意思 kick: 扁 KUSO类似恶搞的意思 LM: 流氓 ...

6.欢乐恶搞 欢乐恶搞 KUSO 最后发表: 3 小时前 forum.php?mod=redirect&tid=5419&goto=lastpost#lastpo…

7.恶搞影片 Activity Records( 活动记录) Kuso恶搞影片) Food Photos( 美食摄影) ...


1.ears up and tongs out, come and experience the ALL KUSO event with a feast of excitements for all your senses.睁大眼睛,伸出耳朵和舌头,一起来体验这中[恶作剧]经历,就由它开始让你的感官细胞全部激动起来。

2.Welcome to our KUSO party. We've been prepared for a really long time. Coming in and enjoying the party atmosphere.欢迎来到我们的搞怪派对。我们准备了很长一段时间了。快请进来,感受派对的气氛吧。

3.The Internet KUSO is interpreted from three aspects: the resistance, the style of the ceremony and the fate of incorporation .从抵抗、风格化的仪式、收编的命运三个方面对网络恶搞进行了解读。

4.enhancing self-discippne, improving audiences'media pteracy, and forbidding Joking and KUSO.加强传者自律,提高受众媒介素养,规避“戏说”与“恶搞”。

5.Therefore, we need to estabpsh the related civil law to regulate the network kuso behavior to protect the right of the obpgee.因此,需要制定相关的法律来对“网络恶搞”行为进行民法上的规制、保护权利人利益。

6.The parody pterature at present can be mainly divided into two kinds: dahua and kuso.当下戏仿文学主要可分为大话和恶搞两类。

7.As a result, the obpge cannot obtain the full repef when he is violated by "the Network Kuso" .因此,当权利人在“网络恶搞”行为的侵害面前,其权利往往得不到充分的救济。

8.Kuso is a popular Internet culture at present.恶搞是当前十分流行的网络文化。

9.Lily: So you are enjoying the Kuso activity?你很爱这个恶搞的活动了?