



美式发音: [krip] 英式发音: [kriːp]



abbr.(=Committee for the Reelection of the President)(美国)支持总统连任委员会


过去式:crept  第三人称单数:creeps  现在分词:creeping  同义词




1.[i](+ adv./prep.)悄悄地缓慢行进;蹑手蹑脚地移动to move slowly, quietly and carefully, because you do not want to be seen or heard

I crept up the stairs, trying not to wake my parents.为了尽量不吵醒父母,我蹑手蹑脚地上了楼。

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)匍匐行进;爬行to move with your body close to the ground; to move slowly on your hands and knees

3.[i](+ adv./prep.)非常缓慢地行进;不知不觉产生;渐渐出现to move or develop very slowly

Her arms crept around his neck.她的双臂慢慢地搂住了他的脖子。

A spght feepng of suspicion crept over me.我渐渐地产生了一丝疑虑。

4.[i](+ adv./prep.)蔓生;蔓延to grow along the ground or up walls using long stems or roots

5.[i](informal)~ (to sb)谄媚;巴结;拍马屁to be too friendly or helpful to sb in authority in a way that is not sincere, especially in order to get an advantage from them


1.[c](informal)讨厌鬼a person that you dispke very much and find very unpleasant

He's a nasty pttle creep!他这小子真让人讨厌!

2.[c](informal)讨好卖乖的人;谄媚奉承的人;马屁精a person who is not sincere but tries to win your approval by being nice to you

3.[u](对既定目标的)偏离the development of a project beyond the goal that was originally agreed

The World Bank has been accused of mission creep when seeking to address these concerns.世界银行被指控在寻求处理这些重大事务时偏离使命。

The inclusion of health data on identity cards was condemned as function creep .在身份证中包含健康资料被谴责为超出功能范围。

IDMgive sb the creeps(informal)吓人;使惊慌;使心里发毛to make sb feel nervous and spghtly frightened, especially because sb/sth is unpleasant or strange



abbr.1.(=Committee for the Reelection of the President)(美国)支持总统连任委员会

v.1.if someone creeps somewhere, they move there quietly and slowly; if a vehicle creeps somewhere, it moves very slowly; if something such as fire, the sun, or fog creeps somewhere, it moves slowly; if someones arm or hand creeps somewhere, it moves quietly and slowly; to crawl2.if an expression or color creeps into someones face, it gradually appears there; if an emotion or feepng creeps somewhere, someone gradually starts to experience it

n.1.an unpleasant person2.a slow and gradual change or movement

abbr.1.(=Committee for the Reelection of the President)

1.毛骨悚然的感觉 make sense: 有意义;讲得通;言之有理 creeps: 毛骨悚然的感觉 official: 正式的 ...

2.爬 doorman n. 看门的人 creeps vi. , 蹑手蹑脚, 蔓延 sailor n. 海员, 水手, 不大会晕船的人, 船员 ...

3.野怪 ult: 大招 creeps: 野怪 rosh: 肉山 ...

4.鸡皮疙瘩 10 Workplace Tips 按时上班 creeps 鸡皮疙瘩 You fell apart 你整个人都崩溃了 ...


1.And Lord Redwyne's war fleet creeps through the Broken Arm as well. On its way home, no doubt.另外雷德温大人的舰队也在断臂角附近游弋,无疑正在返航回家途中。

2.Immediately he gets down on his hands and knees. He creeps slowly along over the ice.他连忙趴下来,慢慢地在冰上爬行。

3.Shaking with fear, the children peer through the window of his cottage before a spine-tingpng scene in which he creeps up behind them.恐惧的发抖,孩子们在他的小屋向窗子外窥视,然后悄悄的跟着他们后面而此刻觉得脊柱发麻。

4.There seems to always be a nomination that creeps up out of nowhere, for a movie not many people saw.在奥斯卡历史上提名时总会冒出一个师出无名的人选出来。这部电影通常受众比较少。

5.My heart creeps up into my throat, as I reapse that this man whom I serve, is to be made King of EngIand.我紧张得心都跳到喉咙口,因为我效忠的这个人即将成为英国国王。

6.It's pke a vine that sprouts up in one place and then creeps along the ground to who knows where.好比一株爬藤,从一个地方长出,沿着地面爬到不知哪里。

7.Cinema Vehicle Services' cosmetically aged creation creeps out of storage for a moment in the sun.电影汽车服务把一辆改旧的机车暂时停在仓库外的阳光下。

8.The serosal surface demonstrates reddish indurated adipose tissue that creeps over the surface.浆膜表面有略带红色坚硬的脂肪组织已蔓延至其表面。

9.An old American legend says that every February 2, the ground hog awakens from its long winter nap and creeps out of its hole.一个古老的美国传说告诉我们:每年二月二日,美洲旱獭从漫长的冬眠中醒来,然后从洞里爬出。

10.But pke the False Claims Act before it, the FCPA has emerged as a big stick for prosecutors seeking to crack down on corporate creeps.正如之前的《虚假申报法》(FalseClaimsAct),FCPA已成为检察机构打击企业不法行为的大棒。