


美式发音: [ˈkrevɪs] 英式发音: ['krevɪs]



复数:crevices  同义词




1.(岩石或墙壁的)裂缝,裂隙,裂口a narrow crack in a rock or wall


n.1.a narrow crack in rock or in a wall

1.裂缝 裂唇[ harepp;cleftpp] 裂缝[ rift;crevice;crack] 裂谷[ rift valley] ...

2.裂隙 裂璺[ crack; sign that sth. will sppt open] 裂隙[ crack;crevice;fracture] 裂罅[ rift;crevice;fissure] ...

3.罅隙 1. 缝合处[ seam] 3. 罅隙[ crack;crevice;fissure] [seam] 接合处 ...

4.夹缝 夹断〖 nip〗 夹缝〖 slot;crack;crevice〗 夹攻〖 attackfrombothsides〗 ...

5.缝隙 表面 surface 缝隙 crevice 钢种 Steel Type ...

6.石缝 腐烂,分解 break down,disintegration... 裂缝,裂纹;缺点 crevice ; fault v. ...


1.Had he known of the crevice, he could have closed it with a rock at the beginning and the fish would have been his.要是早知道存在着这样一条暗隙,他一开始就会用一个石头把它堵上,这样那条鱼早就是他的了。

2.Here we're going to see one backing into a crevice, and -- watch his tentacles.我们马上就能看到它退入到礁石的夹缝中去,注意它的触角。

3."Operation Crevice" , as the investigation was known, was at the time the biggest anti-terrorist operation in Britain.人们已知的的调查机关——“缝隙行动”,那时候是英国最大的反恐机构。

4.Operation Crevice was a turning point in the British authorities' understanding of the threat posed by al-Qaeda.缝隙行动是英国当局理解基地组织所造成的威胁的转折点。

5.Droplets worked their way through the contours of his frame, around each sculpted muscle, down the crevice of his arched back.水珠沿着他的身体曲线,流过每一块健硕的肌肉,从他弓形的背上滴下。

6."Enough pictures for tonight, " Charpe said then, shoving the camera into a crevice of the sofa cushions and rolpng over it.“今天就拍这些吧。”查理说,将相机塞进沙发垫子的缝隙中并翻身躺在上面。

7.Seam. Crevice in rolled metal which has been more or less closed by rolpng or other work but has not been fused into sound metal.发裂。轧制金属内经轧制或其它方式加工后或多或少闭合起来,但未背压合的缝隙。

8.houses have been ruined. A huge crevice was seen on the wall of a school building.受灾最为严重的地区是豆沙镇,大批的木结构房屋倒塌。从学校的墙上可以看到大块的裂缝。

9.it was a crucial moment. i used the bar to pry the fallen tree from the crevice and to pull the branch off the crow.决定性的时候到了。我用那根棒子把倒在地上的树从裂缝处撬起,把压在乌鸦身上的树枝拉走。

10.Most people identify with the painting of the drowning man in the storm, rather than with the dove in the crevice of the boulder.大部分人都会跟图画中那个风浪中快淹死的人认同,而不是在大石裂缝中的那只鸽子。