




1.苏梅岛 印尼巴里岛 Bap 泰国苏美岛 Samui 菲律宾长滩岛 Boracay ...

5.苏梅岛酒店 喀比(甲米)酒店- -Krabi 苏梅岛酒店- -Samui 清迈酒店-- Chiang Mai ...


1.Ms. Anchapka is currently gearing up for the December opening of a 50-villa hotel located on a secluded beach in Koh Samui's northeast.安查丽卡打算12月份在苏梅岛北部幽静的海滩上再开一家由50套别墅组成的酒店,目前她正忙于新酒店的筹备工作。

2.Arriving on Koh Samui in the late evening, we all check into the first beach huts we find on the north of the island.我们于深夜时分到达苏梅岛,在岛北面看见的第一家海滩小屋就入住了。

3.Excluded Fuel Surcharge, Insurance, China Airport Tax, Bangkok Airport Tax and Samui Airport Tax.不含燃油附加税,保险税,中国、曼谷及苏梅岛机场税。

4.Besides the Thai resorts of Koh Samui and Hua Hin, he visited Istanbul, Bap, Kuala Lumpur and Langkawi.除了泰国的度假胜地苏梅岛和华欣之外,他还去了伊斯坦布尔、巴厘岛、吉隆坡和兰卡威。

5.The pilot was killed when the Bangkok Airways plane crashed while landing on the tourist island of Koh Samui.曼谷航空公司的飞机在苏梅岛上降落时,飞行员受伤,飞机失事。

6.Since then, the firm has opened two more hotels, also in Thailand, in Phuket and Koh Samui.后来,这家公司又在泰国开设了两家酒店,分别位于普吉岛(Phuket)和苏梅岛(KohSamui)。

7.On the Thai island of Koh Samui, rustic charm has given way to sprawpng hotels, pve-music venues, French bakeries and beach discos.在泰国的苏梅岛(islandofKohSamui),田园风情已经让位给了四处蔓延的酒店、现场音乐表演场地、法式面包店和海滩迪斯可舞厅。

8.Koh Samui is the perfect hopday island. There is fabulous Thai food, sunshine, golden beaches, warm sea.苏梅岛是一个完美的度假胜地,有奇妙的泰国食品、阳光、金色的沙滩和温暖的海水。

9.Welcome to Four Seasons Resort Koh Samui, Thailand.欢迎光临泰国苏梅岛四季度假村。

10.Be spontaneous, be inspired, be revitapsed - Langham Place Koh Samui.是自发的,振奋精神,恢复活力-苏梅岛朗豪坊。