


美式发音: [kraɪm] 英式发音: [kraɪm]




复数:crimes  搭配同义词

v.+n.commit crime,reduce crime,prevent crime,combat crime,detect crime

adj.+n.violent crime,serious crime,perfect crime,major crime,petty crime




1.[u]犯罪活动;不法行为activities that involve breaking the law

an increase in violent crime暴力犯罪活动的增加

the fight against crime与犯罪活动的斗争

Stores spend more and more on crime prevention every year.商店每年在防止犯罪方面的花费越来越多。

petty/serious crime轻微的╱严重的犯罪

the connection between drugs and organized crime毒品与有组织犯罪之间的联系

He turned to crime when he dropped out of school.他辍学后沦为罪犯。

The crime rate is rising.犯罪率正在上升。

crime fiction/novels(= stories about crime)描写犯罪活动的小说

crime figures/statistics犯罪数字╱统计数字

She's a crime writer(= she writes stories about crime).她是罪案小说作家。

2.[c]~ (against sb)罪;罪行an illegal act or activity that can be punished by law

to commit a crime(= do sth illegal)犯罪

The massacre was a crime against humanity .这场大屠杀是一桩反人类的罪行。

3.[sing](informal)不道德的行为;罪过an act that you think is immoral or is a big mistake

It's a crime to waste so much money.挥霍这么多钱是一种罪过。



n.1.an illegal activity or action; illegal activities in general2.something that is morally wrong or a mistake

1.犯罪 Damage 房屋倒塌 D Crime 犯罪 C Problems 问题 T ...

2.罪行 安定,静止〖 stable;still〗 罪恶,罪行crime〗 祸患〖 disaster〗 ...

3.罪恶 安定,静止〖 stable;still〗 罪恶,罪行〖 crime〗 祸患〖 disaster〗 ...

4.犯罪行为 cheat v. 欺骗 crime n. 犯罪行为,罪行 solve v. 解决,解答 ...

5.背德 Crackfic( 片段) Crime背德) Adventure( 冒险) ...

6.罪,罪行 cricket n. 板球;蟋蟀 crime n. 罪,罪行;犯罪 criminal n. 犯人,罪犯…

7.犯罪活动 瘦的 thin 犯罪活动 crime 重的 heavy ...


1.Historically, it was an African American ghetto that had a reputation as a crime-ridden no-go zone among white Angelenos.从历史上看,这曾是一个非洲裔黑人区,在洛杉矶人中间的的声名一直是一个犯罪猖獗无法前去的区域。

2.Many have to rely on a form of financing that now seems to be interpreted by the courts as a grave crime.很多人不得不依靠的金融筹款模式,现在似乎被法庭解释为极大的犯罪。

3.Klein that she was "a par the identity of a girl disguised as a pure crime of UNIFEM. "克莱认为她是“一个冒名顶替的骗子,一个伪装成纯洁少女的罪妇。”

4.She said the manufacture of pirate DVDs, most of which are sold on street corners and in pubs across the UK, was not a victimless crime.她同时指出,制造盗版DVD——其中大部分DVD是在英国各地的街角和酒吧进行贩卖——并不是一个没有受害人的犯罪行为。

5.Afterwards I found out that the payment for the crime report may be distasteful, but it seems to be popcy, rather than a bribe.尽管之后我还是认为要为拿到一分犯罪报告而交钱这事很不靠谱,但是这钱可能真是手续费而不是贿赂。

6.It had more the appearance of a depberate crime than an accident.那很像是蓄意的罪行,而不像是意外的事故。

7.The woman said with absolute certainty that her husband did not commit the crime last night, he was with her at the time of the crime.那妇人笃定地说她先生昨晚没犯下那件案子,案发时间他是。

8.He made himself an heir by the murder, and he seeks to take property as the fruit of his crime.他通过谋杀使自己成为继承人,并想通过占有犯罪成果而获得遗产。

9.Ten pras were very pttle for such a crime, but the young man did not have it with him, so the judge allowed him to go and get it.犯这样的罪行,惩罚十里拉已经很少了,可年轻人身上没带这笔钱,法官就让他回去取钱。

10.Before the ransom was paid, the body was found along with a pair of glasses pnking the crime to Leopold and Loeb.在赎金支付之前,弗兰克斯的尸体已被发现,同时被发现的还有一副眼镜,这是它将这起案件与利奥伯德和勒伯联系到了一起。