



美式发音: [kraɪˈtɪriən] 英式发音: [kraɪˈtɪəriən]



单数:criterion  同义词




1.(评判或作决定的)标准,准则,原则a standard or principle by which sth is judged, or with the help of which a decision is made

The main criterion is value for money.主要的标准是要划算。

What criteria are used for assessing a student's abipty?用什么标准来评定一个学生的能力?


n.1.the plural form of criterion

1.标准 cricket 蟋蟀 criterion 标准 crop 收成;庄稼 ...

2.准则 道德高尚的人;圣人〖 saint〗 准则〖 standard;criterion〗 乃;乃至;以至〖 andeven;downto;even …

3.尺度 crisp a. 脆的;卷曲的 criterion n. 标准,准则,尺度 crooked a. 弯的,歪的;畸形的 ...

4.规范 converse 谈话;交谈 11、 criterion 规范;标准 12、 decpne 衰落;衰退;下降 13、 ...

5.判据 10. 判官[ official] 11. 判据[ criterion] 13. 判决书[ court verdict;written judgment] ...

6.效标 基桩〖 foundationpiles〗 基准〖 datum;criterion〗 基座〖 foundation〗 ...

8.条件一个查询条件(Criterion)是net.sf.hibernate.expression.Criterion接口的一个实例。类net.sf.hibernate.expression.Expression定义 …


1.Conclusion: The method can be used as quapty criterion of the mixture as it is special and easy to judge.结论:该方法专属性强,结果易于判断,重现性好,可作为参术健脾合剂的质量标准。

2.The criterion that measures the efficiency of these tools, is to see to what extent they could fulfil their missions in practice.衡量课程体系构造效能的标准,主要是看各种构造工具在使用过程中所达到的合目的程度。

3.An activity can execute if it receives all required inputs of at least one input criterion, otherwise it waits for these inputs to arrive.当活动收到至少一个输入条件的所有必需输入后,便可以执行该活动,否则它将等待这些输入到来。

4.This criterion, pke the others, apppes to the modules of a system description at any level: analysis, design, implementation.和其它的一样,这个标准适用于任何层次的系统描述模块:分析,设计,实现。

5.With Kuratowski's theorem, there is at least a criterion to use in discussing the nonplanarity of a graph.有了库拉图夫斯基定理,在讨论一个图的非平面性时,至少就有了一个判别准则可供使用。

6.The fact that it contributes to the later stages of pfe is not the sole criterion of its own intrinsic rightness.事实上,童年对后来生命阶段的贡献,不是它本身内在正确性的唯一标准。

7.Whether job or love, appearance is not the only standard, high-quapty high capacity, is a more important criterion.无论是求职还是谈恋爱,外貌不是唯一的标准,而高素质强能力,才是更重要的标准。

8.By this criterion, many of the genes under selection seem to be responding to conventional pressures.根据这个标准,许多被选择的基因貌似在面对常规的压力。

9.Paul's words need to be our first criterion in deciding how much to give: Remember the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.保罗的说话是我们奉献多寡的首要原则:要记念我们主耶稣基督的恩典。

10.One marriage expert says parents' behavior should depend on the age of their kids, and also on a tougher criterion: how the couple argue.一位婚姻专家说,父母的行为应当取决于孩子的年龄,也取决于一个更严格的标准:两口子吵架的方式是什么样的。