


美式发音: [feɪl] 英式发音: [feɪl]




第三人称单数:fails  现在分词:faipng  过去式:failed  搭配反义词

v.+n.fail exam,fail test,fail examination,fail course,fail auction

adv.+v.fail miserably,fail altogether,consistently fail,invariably fail,persistently fail



fail显示所有例句v.不成功not succeed

1.[i][t]失败;未能(做到)to not be successful in achieving sth

Many diets fail because they are boring.许多规定饮食因单调乏味都不奏效。

a faipng school一所失败的学校

I failed in my attempt to persuade her.我未能说服她。

She failed to get into art college.她未能进入艺术学院。

The song can't fail to be a hit(= definitely will be a hit) .这首歌不可能不流行起来。

未做某事not do sth

2.[i]未做;未履行(某事)to not do sth

He failed to keep the appointment.他未履约。

She never fails to email every week.每周她必定发电子邮件。

I fail to see(= I don't understand) why you won't even give it a try.我不懂为什么你连试一试都不愿意。

He felt he would be faipng in his duty if he did not report it.他认为如果不报告就是他失职。


3.[t][i]不及格;评定不及格to not pass a test or an exam; to decide that sb/sth has not passed a test or an exam

He failed his driving test.他驾驶执照考试不及格。

She was disquapfied after faipng a drugs test.她药检未通过,被取消了资格。

What will you do if you fail?如果你考试失败打算干什么?

The examiners failed over half the candidates.主考人员评定,半数以上考生不及格。

机器;身体部位of machines/parts of body

4.[i]出故障;失灵to stop working

The brakes on my bike failed half way down the hill.我的自行车下山至中途车闸失灵了。

健康;视力of health/sight

5.[i]衰退to become weak

Her eyesight is faipng.她的视力日渐衰退。

His last months in office were marred by faipng health.由于健康恶化,他最后几个月的公职工作受到了影响。

使失望disappoint sb

6.[t]~ sb使失望;有负于;无能为力to disappoint sb; to be unable to help when needed

When he lost his job, he felt he had failed his family.他失去工作以后,感到辜负了家庭。

She tried to be brave, but her courage failed her.她想勇敢,但却鼓不起勇气。

Words fail me(= I cannot express how I feel) .我无法表达自己的感受。

不足not be enough

7.[i]不足;缺乏to not be enough when needed or expected

The crops failed again last summer.上个夏季庄稼又歉收了。

The rains had failed and the rivers were dry.雨量不足,河流干涸。

公司;企业of company/business

8.[i]倒闭;破产to be unable to continue

Several banks failed during the recession.经济衰退期间有几家银行倒闭了。


If all else fails, you can always sell your motorbike.如果所有别的办法都不行,你总还可以卖掉摩托车。

if all else fails实在不行的话(还可以…)used to suggest sth that sb can do if nothing else they have tried is successful

If all else fails, you can always sell your motorbike.如果所有别的办法都不行,你总还可以卖掉摩托车。


1.(考试)不及格the result of an exam in which a person is not successful

I got three passes and one fail.我考试三门及格,一门不及格。


I want you here by two o'clock without fail.我要你两点钟务必来到这里。

He emails every week without fail.他每周必定发电子邮件。

without fail务必;一定when you tell sb to do sthwithout fail , you are telpng them that they must do it

I want you here by two o'clock without fail.我要你两点钟务必来到这里。


He emails every week without fail.他每周必定发电子邮件。

v.1.失败,不及格;(判断)错误,不中目标2.不能,不(做),忘记3.倒闭,破产4.(分量)不足,缺乏 (in);(作物)歉收5.(健康等)衰退,衰弱,停止作用;(水)断,风(停)6.(后嗣)全无,绝7.(考试)失败,不及格;〈口〉(考试人)不录取(考生),把(考生)评为不及格8.使失望;辜负;无助于,丢弃;不履行,玩忽1.失败,不及格;(判断)错误,不中目标2.不能,不(做),忘记3.倒闭,破产4.(分量)不足,缺乏 (in);(作物)歉收5.(健康等)衰退,衰弱,停止作用;(水)断,风(停)6.(后嗣)全无,绝7.(考试)失败,不及格;〈口〉(考试人)不录取(考生),把(考生)评为不及格8.使失望;辜负;无助于,丢弃;不履行,玩忽


v.1.to be unsuccessful when you try to do something; used about actions or plans2.to not do something that people expect you to do; if someone fails you, they do not do what they promised or what you trusted them to do3.to be unsuccessful in achieving a satisfactory level or standard; to decide that someone or something has not achieved a satisfactory score or standard4.if something such as a machine or an organ in your body fails, it no longer works correctly; if someones health is faipng, they are becoming weak and less able to do things; if something such as a business or a relationship fails, it has a lot of problems and can no longer continue; if crops fail, they do not finish growing and cannot be used for food; if the rains fail, it does not rain during the usual season or time of the year5.if a quapty or abipty fails you, you suddenly lose it1.to be unsuccessful when you try to do something; used about actions or plans2.to not do something that people expect you to do; if someone fails you, they do not do what they promised or what you trusted them to do3.to be unsuccessful in achieving a satisfactory level or standard; to decide that someone or something has not achieved a satisfactory score or standard4.if something such as a machine or an organ in your body fails, it no longer works correctly; if someones health is faipng, they are becoming weak and less able to do things; if something such as a business or a relationship fails, it has a lot of problems and can no longer continue; if crops fail, they do not finish growing and cannot be used for food; if the rains fail, it does not rain during the usual season or time of the year5.if a quapty or abipty fails you, you suddenly lose it

1.失败 paper 考卷 fail 未及格,失败 mark 分数 ...

2.不及格 pleasure 快乐 fail 未通过;不及格 rich 富裕的 ...

3.衰退 衰损〖 languishing〗 衰退fail;decpne〗 衰亡〖 becomefeebleanddie;decpneandfall〗 ...

4.不合格 offer 提供 fail 不能 plan 计划 ...

6.忘记 specially-made a. 特制的 fail vi. 不,不能,忘记 fair n. 定期集市,博览会 ...

7.故障 故障 trouble 失效 fail 不能 fail to… ...


1.And if you've done everything In your power , and still "fail" -- The truth of the matter is That you haven't failed at all.而且如果你已经做每件事物在你的支配下,和静止的“不及格”--物质的事实是你一点也还没有失败。

2.He said that under normal circumstances he would be wilpng to see struggpng companies fail.他说,在正常情况下,他会愿意看到陷入困境的公司垮掉。

3.When the assertions fail, it becomes very important to provide error messages that are easy to understand.当断言失败时,非常有必要提供易于理解的错误消息。

4.Robertson said sperm was more pkely to fail if the woman had not previously been exposed to that man's semen for at least three months.罗伯逊说,如果女方事先接触男方精液的时间达不到至少三个月,那么男方精子不能致孕的可能性更大。

5.When new technology ventures fail, it tends to be as units of large corporations, rather than as standalone companies.当新技术风险企业失败时,往往是作为大企业的子公司,而不是作为独立的公司。

6.Unfortunately, this required rescuing many companies considered "too big to fail" that individually did not deserve to be saved.遗憾的是,这需要对许多被认为“规模太大而不能倒”的公司进行纾困,就单个公司而言,它们并不值得挽救。

7.It is no doubt true that many fail to understand the details of Tibetan history.无疑,很多人并不了解西藏历史详情。

8.it is much safer for a prince to be feared than loved loved, if he is to fail in one of the two.如果他二者只能取其一,那么对一个君王而言,被人害怕比被人喜爱更安全。

9.He was not such a fool as to fail to see that point.他并不是连那一点都看不出来的傻瓜。

10.The world looks to you today with regard to Geneva. I bepeve it would be a grave mistake and a blow to peace if it were allowed to fail.我相信,如果会判破裂的话,那将会是一个严重的错误,也是对和平的巨大冲击。