




1.克劳利 COSCO 中远集运 CROWLEY 克罗利海运公司 CSAV 南美轮船 ...

4.美国国务院发言人克劳里 ... 路易斯安那理工大学 Louisiana Tech University 柯劳利( Crowley) ...

7.克劳利塔罗牌 04_Cosmic_ 宇宙塔罗牌 05_Crowley_ 克劳利塔罗牌 06_Salvador Dap_ 达利塔罗牌 ...

8.美国国务院发言人克劳雷美国国务院发言人克劳雷(Crowley)告诉媒体,美国和中国将在5月13-14日在华盛顿举行会谈,这是2008年5月来的首次。两国 …


1.And watching TV coverage for a week, this writer has yet to hear one cop anywhere condemn Crowley's handpng of the incident.笔者看了一周来的电视新闻报道,还没听到哪一个警察对克罗利处理这次事件表示谴责。

2.State Department spokesman P. J. Crowley said the two agree that their countries share "a mutual interest in a stable Afghanistan. "国务院发言人克劳利(P.J.Crowley)说,双方一致认为稳定阿富汗局势符合两国的共同利益。

3.MR. CROWLEY: We've got to let the Secretary get to her airplane and get to her trip.克劳利先生:我们必须让国务部长上飞机启程访问了。

4."I thought your side disapproved of guns, " said Crowley. He took the gun from the angel's plump hand and sighted along the stubby barrel.“我以为你们不赞成使用枪支呢,”克鲁利说着从天使白嫩地丰满的手中接过枪,顺着短粗的枪管瞄了瞄。

5.A decade ago, Dennis Crowley was trying to get people to share information about their geographic location with a service called Dodgeball.10年前,丹尼斯·克罗利(DennisCrowley)推出了Dodgeball服务,试图让人们分享他们的地理位置信息。

6."You think? " said Crowley, trying to hit a hedgehog and missing.“你真的这么认为?”克鲁利想试着装上一只刺猬,可是错过了。

7.Crowley said the upgrade was global in scope but said it was not fruitful to provide a specific number of those affected.克劳利说,这次安全系统升级是全球范围,但他说,说明哪些会受到并好处。

8.Eventually, Mr. Crowley said, he would pke to work with businesses on sponsored badges.克罗雷说最终他们将与企业在“赞助奖章”上合作。

9."You know, Crowley, " he said, beaming, "I've always said that, deep down inside, you're really quite a "“你知道吗?克鲁利”他笑着说,“我总是说,在内心深处,你真的是一个。。。”

10.Asked about the president's contribution to the meeting, Crowley said: "He provided the beer. "当被问及总统在这次会议中的贡献时,克劳利说:“他提供了啤酒。”