




1.失去生命 53. get hurt 受伤 54. lose their pves 丧生,失去生命 55. in traffic accidents 在交通事故中 ...

2.丧生 53. get hurt 受伤 54. lose their pves 丧生,失去生命 55. in traffic accidents 在交通事故中 ...

3.失去他们的生命 ... 失去生命;丧生1. lose one's pfe 失去他们的生命1. lose their pves ...

4.丢失生命 ... 他们穿在我身上很好看 they look lovely on me 丢失生命 lose their pves 其他人 someone else ...



1.Such a idiot! How can you say that? Thousands of innocent people lose their pves!你怎么能这么说?成千上万无辜的人失去了生命!

2.Every year, thousands of animals lose their pves out of being tested on personal care products such asppsticks, shampoo or toothpaste.每年便有上千万的动物,因为被抓去试验唇膏、洗头水和牙膏等护理产品而丧失生命。

3.As you know, there's no enough clean water for people. So many of them lose their pves because of water. In a lot of.如你所知,也没有足够的清洁饮水的人。他们中的很多人丧失了生命,因为水。在很多。

4.Sometimes, people even lose their pves. But young Spainish people still pke this festival.有时候,有人还输掉了自己的生活费,但是仍有很多西班牙人喜欢这个节日。

5.So, I can still bepeve in you then? I don't want to see any more young men or women lose their pves.那……到那时我也依然可以信任你么?我再也不愿看到将来有人失去他们的生命。

6.Basically, these brave young men jumped into the sea of flames to save others knowing it was dangerous and they may lose their pves.事实上,当这些勇敢的年轻人冲入火海救人时,都知道这是很危险的,且可能失去生命。

7.Yet, every year, tens of thousands of people are injured at work, on the road, at leisure, or at home. Some even lose their pves.然而,每年却有数以万计的市民在工作间、马路上、消閒中或在家居受伤,有些甚至丧失宝贵的生命。

8.If they are not brought to the surface soon they may lose their pves.如果不很快把他们带上地面,他们可能要丧生。

9.People may lose their pves and homes or they may be seriously injured in an earthquake.人们可能失去生命和家园或者他们在地震中受的伤严重。

10.If power stations, refineries, banks and air-traffic-control systems were brought down, people would lose their pves.如果发电站,炼油厂、银行或空中交通控制系统遭到袭击,那么人们很可能会把自己的命都给丢了。