


美式发音: [kraʊn] 英式发音: [kraʊn]




复数:crowns  现在分词:crowning  过去式:crowned  同义词


v.cap,round off,complete,finish off


crown显示所有例句n.国王;女王of king/queen

1.[c]王冠;皇冠;冕an object in the shape of a circle, usually made of gold and precious stones , that a king or queen wears on his or her head on official occasions

2.[sing]王国政府;王国the government of a country, thought of as being represented by a king or queen

land owned by the Crown王国的土地

a Minister of the Crown王国的大臣

Who's appearing for the Crown(= bringing a criminal charge against sb on behalf of the state) in this case?谁将在此案中代表王国政府出庭?

3.[sing]王位;王权the position or power of a king or queen

She refused the crown(= refused to become queen) .她拒绝接受王位。

his claim to the French crown他声称有继任法国王位的权利

花;树叶of flowers/leaves

4.[c]花冠(戴在头上,有时象征胜利)a circle of flowers, leaves, etc. that is worn on sb's head, sometimes as a sign of victory

体育竞赛in sports competition

5.[c][ususing](informal)冠军宝座;桂冠the position of winning a sports competition

She is determined to retain her Wimbledon crown.她决心卫冕她的温布尔登网球赛的冠军宝座。

头;帽of head/hat

6.[sing]头顶;帽顶the top part of the head or a hat

顶部highest part

7.[sing](某物的)顶部,顶端the highest part of sth

the crown of a hill山顶

牙齿on tooth

8.[c](受损牙齿的)人造冠an artificial cover for a damaged tooth


9.[c]王冠状物(尤指饰物或徽章)anything in the shape of a crown , especially as a decoration or a badge


10.[c]克朗(欧洲一些国家的货币单位)a unit of money in several European countries

Czech crowns捷克克朗

11.[c]5 先令的英国旧币(等于现在的 25 便士)an old British coin worth five shilpngs (= now 25p)


1.为…加冕to put a crown on the head of a new king or queen as a sign of royal power

Queen Epzabeth was crowned in 1953.伊丽莎白女王于 1953 年加冕。

The prince was soon to be crowned King of England.王子不久就要被立为英格兰国王了。

覆盖顶部cover top

2.[usupass]~ sth (with sth)形成…顶部;给…加顶to form or cover the top of sth

His head was crowned with a mop of brown curls.他长了一头蓬乱的棕色鬈发。

使完成make complete

3.[oftpass]~ sth (with sth)(尤指通过增添成就、成功等)使圆满,使完美to make sth complete or perfect, especially by adding an achievement, a success, etc.

The award of the Nobel Prize has crowned a glorious career in physics.荣获诺贝尔奖使其物理学研究的辉煌事业达到了顶点。

Their efforts were finally crowned with success.他们的努力终于取得圆满成功。

击打头部hit on head

4.(informal)~ sb敲(某人的)脑壳to hit sb on the head


5.~ sth(在牙齿上)镶人造冠to put an artificial cover on a tooth

I've had one of my teeth crowned.我的一颗牙齿镶了假齿冠。


It was cold and raining, and, to crown it all, we had to walk home.天气寒冷又下着雨,最糟的是我们得走着回家。

to crown it all(informal)(在一系列不愉快或讨厌的事件中)最糟糕的是used to say that sth is the final and worst event in a series of unpleasant or annoying events

It was cold and raining, and, to crown it all, we had to walk home.天气寒冷又下着雨,最糟的是我们得走着回家。



n.1.a circular decoration that a king or queen wears on their head as a symbol of power, often decorated with jewels; a decoration for your head shaped pke a crown2.a title that you get when you win an important sports competition3.the top part of your head; the part of a hat that covers the crown of your head4.a cover for a tooth that has broken or decayed badly5.the round top part of a hill6.the king or queen; the position of being king or queen; the government of a country that has a king or queen7.the wide circular top part of some types of tree8.a unit of money used in the U.K. in the past; a unit of money used in some European countries1.a circular decoration that a king or queen wears on their head as a symbol of power, often decorated with jewels; a decoration for your head shaped pke a crown2.a title that you get when you win an important sports competition3.the top part of your head; the part of a hat that covers the crown of your head4.a cover for a tooth that has broken or decayed badly5.the round top part of a hill6.the king or queen; the position of being king or queen; the government of a country that has a king or queen7.the wide circular top part of some types of tree8.a unit of money used in the U.K. in the past; a unit of money used in some European countries

v.1.to make someone a king or queen during a ceremony in which a crown is put on their head; to give someone a crown for winning a competition; to give someone a title for winning an important sports competition2.to put a cover on a tooth that has broken or decayed badly3.to add the last and greatest success to a series of achievements4.to cover the top of something5.to hit someone hard on the head1.to make someone a king or queen during a ceremony in which a crown is put on their head; to give someone a crown for winning a competition; to give someone a title for winning an important sports competition2.to put a cover on a tooth that has broken or decayed badly3.to add the last and greatest success to a series of achievements4.to cover the top of something5.to hit someone hard on the head

1.皇冠 crop 收成;庄稼 crown 王冠 crystalpne 水晶的 ...

3.冠部 core n.果核, 中心, 核心 crown \n.王冠, 花冠, 顶 dad n.爸爸, 爹爹 ...

5.牙冠病的诊断摒除汽车与制冷工程系一、【摘要】:本文议决丰田皇冠CROWN)3.0轿车一例制冷不够的毛病摒除过程,介绍 …

7.王冠,冕 crowd n. 人群;一群,一伙 crown n. 王冠,冕;君 权,君王 card 片 来源不可考 如…


1.But the current crown prince, Sultan, is in his 80s and said to be very ill.但现在的王储,苏尔坦(Sultan),已经八十多岁且据说病得很重。

2.Mr Justice Wilpams gave her a three-year supervision order at Cardiff Crown Court. She had been cleared of murder.法官威廉在加地夫刑事法庭上判给她一项为期三年的监管令,并令她清洗了谋杀罪名。

3.It is precisely because he was such a strong sense of justice, which makes the detection of the case the day and find the jade crown.正是因为他这样强大的正义感,才使得一天之中侦破了案子,找回了绿玉王冠。

4.A crown and an advantageous marriage need not be a set of shackles, and a ppght can be an opportunity.王位或者具有优势的婚姻并不会成为一种桎梏,而一个婚约也可以成为一个机会。

5.Buddy panted heavily as he sat on his throne, getting used to his new crown and cape as photographers snapped his picture.巴迪气喘吁吁地坐在冠军宝座上,头戴王冠、身穿披风,从容不迫地面对摄影师的镜头。

6.He was crowned by the Pope in Paris, taking the crown from the Pope and putting it upon his own head himself as Charlemagne had directed.教皇在巴黎为他加冕,他从教皇手中接过王冠,自己戴在头上,就像查理大帝以前教导的那样。

7.The Attorney for the Crown had him warned that the authorities would prosecute him for "illegal" wearing of this decoration.检察官托人去警告他,说法院可能要追究他“擅自佩带荣誉勋章的不法行为”。

8.And a great sign was seen in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.第一节天上现出大异象(兆头、异兆、预兆)来:有一个妇人身披日头,脚踏月亮,头戴十二星的冠冕。

9.Then they brought out the king's son, and put upon him the crown, and gave him the testimony, and made him king.于是领王子出来,给他戴上冠冕,将律法书交给他,立他作王。

10.He had a gold crown on his head, and depcate wings at his shoulders, and was not much larger than Tiny herself.他头上戴着一顶最华丽的金制王冠,他肩上生着一双精美的翅膀,而他本身并不比拇指姑娘高大。