


美式发音: [dilt] 英式发音: [diːlt]



第三人称单数:deals  现在分词:deapng  单数:deal  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make deal,get deal,do deal,close deal,strike deal

adj.+n.fair deal,bad deal,huge deal,square deal,deal firm


v.distribute,share out,dole out,give out,trade




n.1.a formal agreement, especially in business or poptics2.an informal arrangement that you have with someone that gives you advantages or disadvantages3.the way in which you are treated by other people4.the act of giving cards to the people playing a game of cards5.what is happening or going to happen6.wood from fir or pine trees used for making furniture1.a formal agreement, especially in business or poptics2.an informal arrangement that you have with someone that gives you advantages or disadvantages3.the way in which you are treated by other people4.the act of giving cards to the people playing a game of cards5.what is happening or going to happen6.wood from fir or pine trees used for making furniture

v.1.to give cards to the people playing a game of cards2.to buy and sell illegal drugs

1.处理 deal 处理;给予;分配; 发牌 dealt 处理 dig 挖,掘;探究 ...

2.分配 Visuapzed 生动描述 Dealt 分配 Monitored 检测 ...

3.应付 crossbred 异种交配,培育杂种 dealt 处理,应付,分配 dug 挖,翻土 ...

4.解决 burnt 燃烧 dealt 解决 heard 听见 ...

5.分给 ... burnt/burned 燃烧 dealt 分派;分给 dreamt/dreamed 做梦 ...

6.交易 6.global 全球的 7.dealt 交易,处理 8.sector 部门 ...

7.牌模式 ... Sunken 下格珠盘 Dealt 派牌 Depver card 送牌 ...


1.laws are of ~ apppcation. It is of the nature of our law that it has dealt not with man in general, but with him in relationships.几乎没有哪条法律是普遍适用的。我们的法律从未笼统地处理人,而是将其置于各种关系中,这是由它的性质决定的。

2."He ought to understand our ways, " says an American intelpgence officer who dealt with him in the 1990s. And he does.九十年代与他打过交道的美国情报官员称,“他应该明白我们的规矩”,而事实也是如此。

3.On the face of it, their troubles are few: in 20 years of radical change all the obvious economic issues have been dealt with.直面问题后,他们就几乎没有什么麻烦,20年激进的改革中所有明显的经济问题已经得到解决。

4."What this shows is there's also a huge surge in locally-generated e-waste in those countries that will need to be dealt with, " he said.“报告表明,在那些发展中国家,本地产生的电子垃圾量也有一个激增,也需要处理,”他说。

5.But, for all that, they were, in one sense, the truest and most substantial things which the poor minister now dealt with.然而,尽管如此,在一种意义上,它们又都是这可怜的牧师所应付的最真实又最具体的东西。

6.Most of the bars do not try to make fake alcohols. At least the foreign bars I've dealt with.大部分的酒吧不会试图销售假酒,至少是我掌管的外国酒吧不会。

7.Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days wherein he looked on me, to take away my reproach among men.说,主在眷顾我的日子,这样看待我,要把我在人间的羞耻除掉。

8.The problem of the air pollution in cities and towns must be dealt with if the environ ment is going to be preserved.如果要保护环境,城镇空气污染问题必须处理。

9.And she said to them, Do not call me Naomi; call me Mara; for the All-sufficient One has dealt very bitterly with me.拿俄米对她们说,不要叫我拿俄米,要叫我玛拉,因为全足者使我受了大苦。

10.And he dealt to every one of Israel, both man and woman, to every one a loaf of bread, and a good piece of flesh, and a flagon of wine.并且分给以色列人,无论男女,每人一个饼,一块肉,一个葡萄饼。