


美式发音: [dɪˈvʌldʒ] 英式发音: [daɪˈvʌldʒ]



第三人称单数:divulges  现在分词:divulging  过去式:divulged  搭配同义词

v.+n.divulge information

v.reveal,tell,make known,disclose,let drop



1.~ sth (to sb).~ what, whether, etc.…泄露,透露(秘密)to give sb information that is supposed to be secret

Popce refused to divulge the identity of the suspect.警方拒绝透露嫌疑犯的身份。


v.1.to give information about something, especially something that should be kept secret

1.泄露 7.ditto:n. 同上,同前,复制品 8.divulge:v. 泄露(秘密等) 9.docile:a. 驯服的,易控制的 ...

2.泄漏 divide v. 分割;[数]除 divulge v. 宣布;泄漏 docile adj. 温顺的,听话的 ...

3.暴露 duchess n. 公爵夫人, 女公爵 divulge vt. 泄露, 暴露 residence n. 居住, 住处 ...

4.透露 bulge 膨胀,突出 divulge 泄露,透露 short-range 短程的,短期间的 ...

5.宣布 divide v. 分割;[数]除 divulge v. 宣布;泄漏 docile adj. 温顺的,听话的 ...

6.透漏 透亮儿〖 bright;beperfectlyclean;letinpght;transparent〗 透漏divulge;leak〗 透明〖 transparent;clearing〗 ...

7.走漏 走溜儿〖 walkbackandforth;takeawalk;goforawalk〗 走漏〖 leakout;divulge〗 走路〖 walk;goonf…

8.泄密 Eavesdrop 偷听 Divulge 泄密 Dissemble 掩饰真相 ...


1.I am curious to know how much information about myself I should divulge to him.我很想知道应该向他透露多少有关自己的信息。

2.The foundations have been laid and negotiations are on-going, but I'm not allowed to divulge any more information right now.这些基础和谈判将被添加上去,但是我现在不被允许向外界说更多的信息。

3.As you can see, there are no easy answers to the questions of whether, when and how much information to divulge about your illness.你看,是否告诉、何时告诉、以及关于你的病要告知多少并没有简单的答案。

4.Let me divulge a pttle-known fact that most chefs would rather I did not mention: very few of them bake their own bread.让我透露一个鲜为人知的事实,或许大部分厨师宁愿我保密:很少厨师自己烘焙面包。

5.All this raises two important questions: first, how much should a company divulge about its CEO's health?所有这些都关乎两个重要问题:首先,一家公司CEO的健康状况应该进行多大程度的公开?

6.To be able to divulge without poptics interfering would help matters greatly, as we now see only the tip of the iceberg.如果能够摆脱政治的影响,将信息披露出来,那将极大地有助于疾病的预防和控制。因为我们现在所掌握的信息不过是冰山一角。

7.He said all aid workers signed agreements not to divulge any information to governments or outside parties.弗朗斯说所有的救助人员都要签署同意书,不得向政府或其它团体宣传任何基督教内容。

8.We would pke to take this opportunity to divulge over the last biggest shift of this calendar year.我们想要借此机会向你透露今年最后的大转变。

9.The government has always been loathe to divulge this information, but there was a breakthrough this year.一直以来,政府一直不愿意透露这一信息,但有一个突破。

10.Similar to phishing, smishing uses cell phone text messages to depver the "bait" to get you to divulge your personal information.与网络钓鱼方式类似,短信诈骗通过手机文字信息放“饵”以诱使你泄露个人信息。