


美式发音: [ˌsi ɑr ˈti] 英式发音: [ˌsiː ɑː(r) ˈtiː]

abbr.(=cathode-ray tube)阴极射线管

网络释义:阴极射线管(Cathode Ray Tube);显像管;显示器



abbr.1.(=cathode-ray tube)阴极射线管

abbr.1.(=cathode-ray tube)

na.1.cathode ray tube

1.阴极射线管(Cathode Ray Tube)阴极射线管阴极射线管((CRT)CRT)的结构如图的结构如图 22--11 所示,主要由电子枪、聚焦系所示,主要由电子枪、聚焦系统 …

2.显像管普通电视机:显像管CRT)电视机、背投电视机、一般液晶(LCD)电视机都可以用,只有电视机上有AV(也叫CVBS)接 …


4.映像管过去映像管CRT)电视时代,日本业者全球市占率第一,为延续优势,日本业者提出「先进类比电视」概念,不过美国(最 …

5.心脏再同步化治疗(cardiac resynchronization therapy)因此心脏再同步化治疗CRT)应运而生,它针对心脏失同步的心衰患者,在标准药物治疗基础上通过与心房同步的双心室起 …

6.阴极射线管显示器括阴极射线管显示器(CRT)和平板显示器(FPD)两种。与阴极射线管显示器 相比,平板显示器具有重量轻、厚度薄、低功耗、无 …

7.显像管电视是显像管电视CRT)还是液晶电视机(LCD和LED)可以给你一些建议!购买液晶电视机的一些意见1:液晶电视机屏是整个 …


1.Recently, news has, Changhong has quietly ordered a few days ago, beginning next year to stop production of CRT rear projection televisions.最近消息,长虹已经悄悄地下令在数天前,从明年起停止CRT的背投电视的生产。

2.It would be just a flat panel, far more compact than the bulky cathode-ray tubes ( CRTs ) that were standard in televisions in those days.那会是一片简单的面板,远比当时电视机所采用的笨重映像管(CRT)要轻巧得多。

3.But if you displayed that on a CRT or flat panel display, it would be meaningless to hold up an arbitrary object, a real world object on it.但是如果你把它显示在投射或平板显示器上,然后随便举着一个东西,一个现实世界中的物体,它不会有任何含义。

4.Oscilloscope: Electronic test equipment which displays, as a graph on the face of a CRT, the relationship of an input voltage to time.示波器:电子测试仪器,它把输入电压的伏特数量和时间的关系以图圾形式在阴极射线管的萤幕上显示出来。

5.However, as the data are beginning to mature, we're seeing more long-term gastrointestinal side effects in the men treated with 3D CRT.可是,当研究数据丰富时,我们看到更多3D-CRT治疗后病人的远期胃肠道副作用。

6.Are we looking at a progression whereby CRT might be becoming a standard treatment for those with severe left heart failure?我们是否是在寻求这样一个进展,CRT藉此可能会成为严重左心衰竭患者的标准治疗?

7."[CDS trading is] all about the debt ceipng, " said David Ader, strategist at CRT Capital.“(CDS交易行情)针对的完全是债务上限,”CRTCapital策略师大卫•阿德(DavidAder)表示。

8.Repair parts that do not require CRT assistance are packaged in the BSA and depvered during the next LOGPAC.维修部件不需要包装显像管援助中的BSA和交付,在未来LOGPAC。

9.Long-term data comparing 3D CRT for prostate cancer versus the use of IMRT is only now beginning to mature.比较应用3DCRT和IMRT治疗前列腺癌的长期数据现在才刚刚成熟。

10.As the word and letters are entered , they are displayed in the CRT screen and stored in main memory of the personal computer .电子测试仪器,它把输入电压的伏特数量和时间的关系以图圾形式在阴极射线管的萤幕上显示出来。