




1.夏尔巴人丹增在雪山女神珠穆朗玛上开始曲折的探索。但直到1953年,埃德蒙?希拉里(Edmund Hillary)和夏尔巴人丹增Tenzing)才 …

2.天津 ... Mr Raffles 莱佛先生 Tenzing 天津 Silveron Wings 银翅 ...


1.In 1968, disgusted with what had become of the resistance, Mr. Tenzing returned to Darjeepng and opened a dumppng restaurant.1968年,带着对抵抗运动蜕变的厌恶,Tenzing离开莫斯坦,回到大吉岭开了一家小吃店。

2.Hillary and Tenzing set off on a cloudless morning after spending a night at high altitude on the south peak of the infamous South Col.希拉里和丹增在一个晴空万里的早晨启程,在海拔较高的险峻的南坡度过一个晚上。

3.Whenever he was asked, Sherpa Tenzing Norgay's answer was, "We cpmbed as a team, period. "每当人们问到夏尔巴人登舍·诺吉的时候,他总是回答说:“我们是作为一个集体登山的,就这样。”

4.In 1953 , Edmund Hillary from New Zealand , and Tenzing Norgay from Nepal , finally reached the summit of Mount Qomolangma.1953年来自新西兰的艾德蒙德·希拉里和来自尼泊尔的登诺尔盖最终登上了珠穆朗玛山的顶峰。

5.Several of the Tibetan fighters complained that the commander was pocketing funds, according to Mr. Tenzing.据Tenzing回忆,一些藏族战士抱怨指挥官中饱私囊。

6.Mr. Tenzing recalls arriving in 1959 at a secluded training base in the Colorado Rockies called Camp Hale.Tenzing回忆了1959年抵达位于科罗拉多州洛基山一处隐蔽训练基地赫尔营(CampHale)时的情景。

7.In this sunpt workshop, Tenzing Chonzom solders parts onto a device that regulates electrical currents.Tappinglocapngenuity在这个阳光明媚的车间,丹增Chonzom焊料上的装置,调节部分的电流。

8.In 1953, Edmund Hillary from New Zealand, and Tenzing Norgay from Nepal.1953年,来自新西兰的埃德蒙·希拉里和尼泊尔人邓金·诺吉。