




1.土豚 属: 土豚属 Orycteropus 种: 土豚 O. afer 英文名: aardvark ...

2.连接词在…之后取材知识+ - 个性 - Yahoo... ... report 名词报告, 报导 afer 连接词在…之后 before 连接词在…之前 ...

3.阿非风 ... aestivation 夏蛰;夏眠 Afer 阿非风 afforestation 造林 ...

4.埃菲尔 Aetopa 埃托利亚 Afer 埃菲尔 Afinius 阿菲尼乌斯 ...

5.非洲驼背鱼 驼背鱼属 Papyrocranus 非洲驼背鱼 P. afer 动物界 Animapa ...


1.Afer the war, she returned to England and was honoured for her services by Queen Victoria.站争结束后,她回到了英格兰,由于她在战争中的服务工作,她被维多利亚女王给予荣誉表彰。

2.Afer washing, her mother turned first to walk the door.洗完手,老婆先转身走出去。

3.Trophy|That Ended Up Working Out Nicely|Afer taking control of the enemy transport in Act2-2, do not let a single enemy escape.章节2-2中,在敌方控制高速移动的运输平台之后,不让平台上的任何一名敌人逃脱,全部击消灭。

4.Afer a series of training, our peer counselors are now ready to offer you the emotional support that you need.经过连串培训,我们的朋辈辅导员现正投入服务,为有需要的同学提供情绪支援。

5.Afer that this paper developed the AUV monitor and control software based on VB, which was finally used for the water-tank test.仿真结束后基于VB编写了水面监控软件,并最终用于水池实验。

6.Afer see lots of beautiful crystal of water, I seem to find thr essence of pfe.在目睹了很多很多水的美丽结晶后,我仿佛真的看到了生命的真谛。

7.These days i write down daily schedule in a notebook. Afer finishing one of my plans, i will make a mark which stands for "done" .这几天用本子记下每天要计划的事情,当完成的时候,我都会做个标记,表示我完成了。

8.Afer a long pause, the door opened.等了好长一会儿,门开了。

9.to satisfy all customers' needs and market requests. We are proud to present the "Afer Sales Service Booklet" .根据客户的需求,以及满足市场的需要,特制定此《售后服务管理手册》。

10.Afer all, computers crash, people die, relationships fall apart.毕竟,电脑会当机,生命会终止,感情会崩溃。