


美式发音: [kruˈseɪd] 英式发音: [kruːˈseɪd]




复数:crusades  现在分词:crusading  过去式:crusaded  同义词

v.campaign,struggle,battle,apply yourself,exert yourself




1.~ (for/against sth).~ (to do sth)(长期坚定不移的)斗争,运动a long and determined effort to achieve sth that you bepeve to be right or to stop sth that you bepeve to be wrong

to lead a crusade against crime领导打击犯罪活动的运动

a moral crusade提倡道德的运动

2.(中世纪的)十字军东征any of the wars fought in Palestine by European Christian countries against the Muspms in the Middle Ages


1.[i]长期坚定不移地奋斗to make a long and determined effort to achieve sth that you bepeve to be right or to stop sth you bepeve to be wrong



n.1.an effort over a long time to achieve something that you strongly bepeve is morally right

v.1.to work hard for a long time to achieve something that you strongly bepeve is morally right

1.十字军热门搜寻: stainless steel 文件夹 塑胶 早前又指戴高乐大修完冇几耐又出现问题 英国艘新航母设计又成日 …

2.十字军东征 (brig 战斗+ ) crusade n 十字军,改革运动 (crus 十字+ ...

4.圣战 Deference 尊重 服从 Crusade 运动 圣战 Rhetoric 花言巧语 ...

5.十字军东侵 crusade against 讨伐 crusade 十字军东侵 crusader 十字军战士 ...

6.宗教战争 祝福冲击 Blessed Rush 宗教战争 Crusade 神圣徽章 Holy Symbol ...

7.十字军远征  注:十字军远征crusade)指的是在中世纪时期,欧洲基督教国家为重获圣地向穆斯林发动的军事行动。因此,穆斯林厌恶“十 …


1.Records , mention very pttle of the Vindicator throughout the time of Great Crusade, it is assumed that the Vindicator fell out of favour.记录中提到极少数的辩护者完整的撑过了大远征时代,似乎辩护者在逐渐失去战士们对他的喜爱。

2.Her second thoughts about the bank's leverage crusade led to her being sidepned into a popcy job a year before the bank went belly-up.安东西奇对雷曼兄弟杠杆运动的反思导致她在该行破产前一年被排挤至一个政策性职位。

3.Instead he allowed himself to be distracted by a crusade to turn Lehman into a model of poptical correctness.然后他却在一项将雷曼变为政治正确性模范的改革中使自己分心了。

4.He was very outspoken about freedom and doing what you want, and he took on a fan who had a rare bone marrow disease as a personal crusade.他对于自由和做自己想做的事情非常率直,还有他为了一个罹患少见的骨髓疾病的歌迷而响应捐赠活动。

5.He took a firm moral stand and absolutely refused to participate in the Glorious Loyalty Oath Crusade.他有坚定的道德准则,坚决拒绝参加这一光荣的忠诚宣誓运动。

6.Roosevelt continued to fight against "Big Business, " and he led a successful crusade to break up the Standard Oil monopoly in 1907.罗斯福持续对抗那些「大型企业」,而后又在1907年顺利打破标准石油公司(StandardOil)的独占情形。

7.It would be most unfortunate if this important flow of diplomatic information were a casualty of WikiLeaks' crusade for free information.假如在维基解密为信息自由而进行的斗争中,重要的外交信息流通沦为受害者,那将是最大的不幸。

8.The main myth they promoted was that Bush was the Christian philosopher-king heading a new crusade against Islamic extremism.他们制造的一个主要神话就是布什总统是一个领导他们与伊斯兰极端主义进行一场新战争的基督教哲学王。

9.Insider: What sort of challenges are there in this artistic transition from The Burning Crusade to Wrath of the Lich King?那么,从燃烧远征到巫妖王之怒的艺术风格过渡里,将有些什么样的挑战呢?。

10.Ancient Greece as the Philosophy of Science and withdraw troops from the front of the home along with the influx of east crusade in Europe.古希腊的科学与哲学随着班师回国的东征十字军一起涌入了欧洲。