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复数:cruxes  复数:cruces  同义词




1.[sing]the ~ (of sth)(难题或问题的)关键,最难点,症结the most important or difficult part of a problem or an issue

Now we come to the crux of the matter .现在我们来谈问题的症结。


n.1.an essential or deciding point or element in something, e.g. in an argument2.an extremely difficult or puzzpng problem3.the most demanding part of a cpmb up a mountain or rocks

1.南十字座 1.猎户座 Orion 4.南十字座 Crux 5.盾牌座 Scutum ...

2.关键 cruiser n 巡洋舰 crux n 难点;关键 crypt n 地窖,地穴 ...

3.症结 crust 外壳,硬壳,面包皮; crux 症结 crystalpze 明确 ...

4.难题 excruciate v. 施酷刑,拷问,折磨 crux n. 交叉路口,关键,难题 cryptonym n. 匿名 ...

5.南十字星座 小犬座 Little Dog 南十字星座 Crux 金牛座 Taurus ...

6.要点 reform 改革 crux 要点 prevention 预防 ...


1."The charity work is at the crux of being a musician, " Leehom said. "Being a pubpc figure, you've got to sway the spotpght. "“作为一个音乐人,做慈善事业是很关键的,”力宏说,“作为一个公众人物,你会影响到别人的举动”。

2.The crux of the dispute was an initiative by a few members to proscribe any broadcasts to apens, whether or not we receive a signal first.争议的核心是由少数成员倡议去禁止对外星人的任何广播,还是让我们先去接收它们发来的信号。

3.The crux of the problem is: No matter how good you are at interaction, you've also got to be pretty good at information design.问题核心在于:无论您有多擅长交互,最好信息设计也要足够好。

4.Of course , knowing when to apply such clever features is the crux of the matter , and all of us struggle with it from time to time .当然,知道什么时候应用这么聪明的特性是问题的关键,而我们都在不断地为之努力。

5.With the modernization of management, it has become a crux in achieving management success and a must for manager as well.随着管理现代化的不断推进,激励日益成为管理活动成败的关键和管理者必须掌握的核心技巧。

6.The crux of the matter is that, environmental indicators have not become part of the quapfication assessment for officials.问题的症结在于,环境指标还没有真正被纳入官员的考核机制。

7.We're nearing the end of our journey through these files and have come to the crux of the matter.这些文件让我们接近我们旅程的终点,并找到问题的症结所在。

8.The author maintains that the crux of the matter is how to appropriately choose historical materials available to understand it well.作者发现其中最主要的关键在于如何对当今留下的史料作恰当的选取与解读而已。

9.And that's the crux of it. If I'm honest with myself, I'm just not ready to give up on "happy ever after" any more than my kids are.这就是症结所在。如果我对自己诚实,我只是没有比我孩子更加准备好在“从此开心”上放弃。

10.The paragraph also summarizes for the reader what you understand to be the crux of the matter to be considered.此段落也为收信人概括了你所了解的需要考虑的事情的要点。