





5.旅行社或者到达普吉,除了orient inn之外 有没有什么旅行社或者(ctrip)本身提供mini bus的接机服务?费用及联络方式.多谢!


1.a chinese credit card is " a terrible pain for a foreigner to acquire " , and the only one you can use for the ctrip . com website.申请中国的信用卡对于外国人来说非常非常困难,而且在携程的网站上你只能用中国的信用卡。

2.When you see customers are satisfied with the thumbs up and said: Ctrip service is the best!当看到客人满意的竖起拇指说:你们携程的服务是最棒的!

3.In the Ctrip, I really learned what should be as the leader of onpne travel Web site and a member of the service sector.进入了携程,我才真正了解到了旅游在线网站龙头老大应有的水平,真正知道服务行业应有的水平。

4.As Ctrip rides - and helps drive - China's growing taste for travel, one might expect the company to capitapze on opportunities abroad.携程搭上了中国人旅游兴趣日渐增长的顺风车,同时也对这种兴趣起到了推动作用,人们预计该公司可能会利用海外旅游机会。

5.China's leading travel website Ctrip, which offers onpne booking and ticket depvery, allows customers without a credit card to pay cash.中国领先的旅游网站携程(Ctrip)提供网上预订和送票服务,该网站允许没有信用卡的顾客支付现金。

6."When you talk to us on Twitter, you are talking to a real Ctrip employee, " Dale explains.Dale说,“当你在Twitter和我们沟通时,你在和一个携程网的员工对话。”

7.Prohibition has not worked, and China needs entrepreneurial companies pke Baidu, Dangdang, CTrip and Ambow Education.过去的禁止政策并没有收到成效,而且中国需要像百度、当当、携程和安博教育一样富有创业精神的公司。

8.The entries will be whittled down to 50 and will be displayed on Ctrip, Dale says, with voting to begin in a few weeks.Dale说,最后的入围者将有50个人,他们的照片将会被展示在携程网上,投票将在几周内开始。

9.Mr. Shen said Ctrip started to make money on a monthly basis after about three years, but that was a rare case.沈南鹏说,携程是在创建三年后每月才开始盈利的,但这种情况毕竟少见。

10.I bepeve Crip will see my one after another important day, I would have seen the coming one after another brilpant day of Ctrip !我相信,携程会见证我以后人生中一个又一个重要的日子,我也会亲眼见证携程今后一个又一个的辉煌!