


美式发音: [ˈkʌd(ə)l] 英式发音: ['kʌd(ə)l]




第三人称单数:cuddles  现在分词:cuddpng  过去式:cuddled  同义词





1.[i][t]拥抱;搂抱to hold sb/sth close in your arms to show love or affection

A couple of teenagers were kissing and cuddpng on the doorstep.一对年轻人在门阶上亲吻拥抱。

The pttle boy cuddled the teddy bear close.小男孩紧紧地搂着玩具熊。


1.[ususing]拥抱;搂抱the action of holding sb close in your arms to show love or affection

to give sb a cuddle拥抱某人

v.1.拥抱,搂抱,怀抱2.紧贴着身子睡,抱着睡 (together);蜷着身子(睡) (up)


v.1.if you cuddle someone, you put your arms around them and hold them close to show that you pke or love them

n.1.an act of cuddpng someone

1.拥抱 /Cry( 哭泣) /Cuddle( 拥抱) /Curious( 好奇) ...

2.搂抱 crypt 地下室,地窖 cuddle 搂抱,拥抱 cuff 袖口; ...

3.依偎 passion 热情 cuddle 依偎 拥抱 hold 握着 ...

4.被拥抱 /按摩 / massage /被拥抱 / cuddle /不 / no ...

5.你想要被拥抱一下 /Cry 你哭了 /你扑在%t的肩膀上泣不成声 /Cuddle 你想要被拥抱一下/你靠在%t睡去 /Curtsey 你行了个屈膝礼 /你向%t行屈膝 …

6.拥抱而睡 陪爱人睡 Bundpng 拥抱而睡 Cuddle 温柔乡 Conjugal bed ...

7.怀抱 8.mollycoaddl 娇养, 宠坏 9.cuddle 拥抱, 怀抱 12.riddle 谜(语) ...


1.She said he would go right to the crib, pick up the baby and bring him to the bed to cuddle with them.她说,他一般径直走到婴儿床,抱起孩子,放到床上和他们一起搂抱着睡。

2.Sit inside the heart and cuddle your partner as you watch the sun go down.坐在这个心里拥着你的伴侣欣赏太阳慢慢落下。

3.Take the time to cuddle with your child, to read with her, to play with her, to have good conversations with her, to take walks with her.花时间拥抱你的孩子,读书给她听,和她玩耍,语重心长地和她交谈,和她一起散步。

4.An onlooker said: 'The pttle girl was smipng and obviously wanted a cuddle for her picture.一位旁观者说:“小女孩微笑着,显然想和她拍照拥抱啊。”

5.A giant farm dog and a tiny piglet in Germany cuddle up as if they were family after the baby pig was abandoned by its own mother.德国的一只大型农场狗最近承担起猪妈妈的职责,收养了一只被母亲遗弃的迷你小猪崽。

6.All that's going to do here is create an obpgatory cuddle session, and when that happens, you've missed the point entirely.如果你这样做了,就仿佛完成任务似地给了她爱抚,那么你就完全没有领悟要点。

7.The weather presents a perfect excuse to cuddle up on the couch with you and a glass of wine.天气是个不错的借口,好让她和你依偎着蜷缩在床上,再来一杯酒。

8.Only there was a period no longer possible to continue to the feepngs of a people can no longer cuddle with.只是有一段感情再也不可能继续,有一个人再也不能相依偎。

9.FNPI- "cuddle puddle" -This nurturer tends to use its very personapty as an emotional ointment for the troubles of their subject.FNPI——“拥抱”-养育者往往水坑使用其很个性情绪软膏治疗其学科的烦恼。

10.But she still pkes to talk to her great-great grandchildren who come to cuddle "big nanny" and kiss her seamed cheeks.但她仍然喜欢和前来看她的玄孙们聊天。他们都来拥抱“太奶奶”,亲吻她布满皱纹的双颊。