




1.海特.不知道你说哪一场解说这么说的哈! 但是在OSL上hite的人进入的比较多有go.go/leta/TypE-B[S.G]/Yell…

2.海特啤酒 CF Kanbi (日本感美)国宾酒代言 Hite 啤酒代言 KTF 手机代言(合作:韩惠贞) ...

6.鸿合(Hitevision) 宝丽来( POLAROID) 鸿合HITE) 奥视( ASEE) ...

7.喜达 Labatt( 拉霸) Hite喜达) Essential( 精酿啤酒) ...

8.白色 aster=astr=star( 星星) blanch=*hite( 白色) sour;sharp( 酸的;尖锐的) ...


1.Its features include papules of varying sizes and erythema which surface covered with silvery hite scaly.其特征包括大小不等的丘疹,红斑,表面覆盖着银白色鳞屑。

2.It was in Hite's ensemble that Hampton made his first recording on the vibraharp, an amppfied xylophone.正是在海特的乐团里,汉普顿用扩音木琴——电颤琴制作了他的首张唱片。

3.That was "an act of mental toughness" in Hite's book.海特在书中说这就是“坚强的精神态度。”

4.Larry Hite called me late on a Friday afternoon after we'd had lunch near his Park Avenue office.有一个周五,我和拉里·海特在他办公室附近的公园大街吃过中饭,下午他又打电话给我。

5.The H-1 program upgrade office still has "enormous confidence in the program, " according to deputy program manager Scott Hite.据H-1项目升级办公室项目副主管ScottHite称,办公室依然对该项目有着巨大的信心。

6.panda, panda, bai drinking hite.熊猫,熊猫,喝呗相间。

7.Do you still hite me as before?你还是像以前一样恨我吗?

8.I talked to your dad you'll pick out a w hite dress我和你的爸爸谈过了你可以挑一条白色的

9.hite reading, but we have to get the diploma anyway;不喜欢读书,却不得不为了文凭奔波;