


美式发音: [ˈenviəs] 英式发音: ['enviəs]




adj.jealous,green with envy,resentful,spiteful,covetous


envious显示所有例句adj.— see alsoenvy

1.~ (of sb/sth)羡慕的;忌妒的wanting to be in the same situation as sb else; wanting sth that sb else has

Everyone is so envious of her.人人都那么羡慕她。

They were envious of his success.他们忌妒他的成功。

He saw the envious look in the other boy's eyes.他看到了另一个男孩眼里那羡慕的目光。


adj.1.unhappy because you want very much to do something that someone else does or to have something that they have

1.嫉妒的 covetous 贪婪的,贪心的 envious 嫉妒的 gorgeous 美丽的,极好的 ...

2.羡慕的 enthusiastic 热情的 envious 羡慕的 excited 兴奋的 ...

3.妒忌的 envy v 毒剂 envious a 妒忌的 (spect+acle→ 看的东西→眼镜) ...

4.忌妒的 envelope n. 信封;包裹物,封皮 envious adj. 忌妒的,羡慕的 environment n. 环境…

5.羡慕别人的 ... desirous( 渴望的) envious羡慕别人的) expressive( 表情丰富的) ...


1.Emirates is often accused by envious Europeans of growing thanks to state subsidies.阿联酋航空公司经常被眼红的欧洲人指责它们的发展多亏了国家补贴。

2.Concerns about its positioning, and envious gazes across the Rhine, have been spurred by a strong revival in Germany's economy.德国经济的强劲复兴激起了法国对自身定位的忧虑,以及对莱茵河对岸(译者注:即德国)的嫉妒目光。

3.With a sort of reverence the daisy looked up to the bird that could fly and sing, but it did not feel envious.怀着一种崇高的敬意,小雏菊抬头望向那只能飞能唱的鸟儿,却没感到一点妒忌。

4.In the end, when he became a swan, they became envious of him, and would have never dreamed he was an ugly duckpng before.最后,当他变成一只天鹅,他们就嫉妒他,从来没有想过他以前曾经是一个丑小鸭。

5.With those who have motives and reasons, I don't feel as if I'm missing anything, so I'm not envious.对于那些拥有动机及理性的人,我不觉得好像我正在错过任何东西。所以我并不羡慕。

6.An envious friend will want what you have, but will look to you as her inspiration or role model, and compete with you to get in the lead.而羡慕你的朋友想要你所拥有的,但会把你作为对她的激励或是一个榜样,然后与你竞争来超越你。

7.Mr Fox, who says his friends are "spghtly envious" of his role, is now saving to pay for a trip to New Zealand next year.福克斯正在为明年去新西兰旅行存钱,他说自己的朋友“有些嫉妒”他的这份工作。

8.He said he was proud of Minhyuk and Jonghyun on red carpet, also he felt envious of them.他说他对宗泫和敏赫走红地毯感觉非常的自豪,当然他也很羡慕他们。

9.His words seemed to be saying he was envious, but I could see in his eyes, as they looked at my penis, that he wasn't envious at all.他的话似乎是说他艳羡不已。但我从他盯着我老二的眼睛里可以看得出来,他一点都不羡慕我。

10.Now I'm very envious of him, I have endless admiration, the envy of his bohemian, the envy of his freedom.现在的我,很羡慕黄药师,对他,我有着无穷尽的羡慕,羡慕他的放荡不羁,羡慕他的无拘无束。