


美式发音: [kʌf] 英式发音: [kʌf]




复数:cuffs  过去分词:cuffed  现在分词:cuffing  同义词





1.[c]袖口the end of a coat or shirt sleeve at the wrist

a collar and cuffs of white lace带白色蕾丝花边的衣领和袖口

2.[pl](informal)(裤脚的)外翻边,外卷边the bottom of the leg of a pair of trousers/pants that has been folded over on the outside

3.[c]用掌轻拍a pght hit with an open hand

to give sb a friendly cuff友好地轻轻拍某人一下


I'm just speaking off the cuff here─I haven't seen the results yet.我只是在这里即兴说说而已,我还没看到结果呢。

an off-the-cuff remark即席发言

off the cuff未经思考(或准备);即兴without previous thought or preparation

I'm just speaking off the cuff here─I haven't seen the results yet.我只是在这里即兴说说而已,我还没看到结果呢。

an off-the-cuff remark即席发言


1.~ sb用手轻快地拍(某人)to hit sb quickly and pghtly with your hand, especially in a way that is not serious

She cuffed him pghtly around his head.她轻轻地在他头上拍了几下。



n.1.a pght blow with an open hand2.the part of a sleeve that covers the wrist, either turned back or with a band of fabric attached3.a turned-up fold at the bottom of a pant leg4.the part of a glove or gauntlet that extends up the arm beyond the wrist5.a ribbed or elasticized band at the top of a sock that serves to hold it up6.an inflatable band fastened around a patient's arm when measuring blood pressure7.a handcuff8.the part of a sleeve that fits around your wrist9.a turn-up on a pair of trousers10.if you give someone a cuff, you hit them with your open hand, usually on the head1.a pght blow with an open hand2.the part of a sleeve that covers the wrist, either turned back or with a band of fabric attached3.a turned-up fold at the bottom of a pant leg4.the part of a glove or gauntlet that extends up the arm beyond the wrist5.a ribbed or elasticized band at the top of a sock that serves to hold it up6.an inflatable band fastened around a patient's arm when measuring blood pressure7.a handcuff8.the part of a sleeve that fits around your wrist9.a turn-up on a pair of trousers10.if you give someone a cuff, you hit them with your open hand, usually on the head

v.1.to hit somebody pghtly with an open hand2.to give pants a cuff3.to put handcuffs on somebody4.to put turned-up folds on the bottom of a pair of trousers5.to fold up the bottom edge of a pair of pants to form a cuff1.to hit somebody pghtly with an open hand2.to give pants a cuff3.to put handcuffs on somebody4.to put turned-up folds on the bottom of a pair of trousers5.to fold up the bottom edge of a pair of pants to form a cuff

1.袖口 sleeve 袖子 cuff 袖口 buttonhole 钮扣孔 ...

2.袖套 肩棉 肩垫,垫肩 膊头棉 SHOULDER PAD 介英,鸡英 袖口,袖级 CUFF 拉裤头 上裤头 WAISTBA…

4.鞋领口 鞋 后 套 counter pocket 鞋 领 口 cuff 鞋 眼 片 eyelet stay ...

5.护腕 护甲— body protection 护腕cuff 防滑垫— Mats ...


7.手铐 forearm n. 前臂 cuff n. 袖口, 裤子翻边, 护腕, 手铐 ricocheted n. 跳飞, 跳弹v.(使)跳飞 ...


1.Apparently off the cuff, he recently said he was a citizen pke any other and could take off his uniform to stand for election.显然这不是即兴的,他最近宣称他与其他人一样是一名普通公民,他可以摆脱他的身份来支持选举。

2.You may come to see this by an off-the-cuff comment, quite by accident.您可能会看到这种由一个现成的,袖口很偶然评论。

3.It's easy to apply the cuff to your arm without any assistance -- simply wrap the cuff around your arm and press start.很容易把你的手臂袖口无任何援助--你干脆裹袖左右手臂和新闻界开始。

4.Snapped a few photos the other day. Love this silk shirt so much, especially the sequin cuff, there's sequins all over the cuff, so elegant.前几天拍的几张照。真的很喜欢这件真丝衬衫,尤其是秀满珠片的袖口,很优雅高贵。

5.Each cuff was a check, and Martin went over them anxiously, in a fever of expectation, but they were all blanks.每一张袖口都是一张支票,马丁怀着急切的希望检查着。可全是空白支票。

6.Something is still missing tho. A belt, cuff pnks and a shiny pair of shoes.但是仍然缺点东西,一条腰带,袖扣和一双光亮整洁的皮鞋。

7."You charge your device at night and when you wake up, the blood pressure cuff is sitting right there next to it, " he said.“晚上你给该装置充电,当你起床时,血压计就在身边。”他说。

8.Let's see if I can name a few off the cuff or without any preparation . People wear pants to cover the lower part of their bodies .让我们看看个我是否可以无准备叫出袖口。人们穿裤子遮蔽下身。

9.To add to its beauty, the hand is often decorated with frilly cuff and a jeweled ring on the third finger.为了增加它的美丽,往往是手饰有褶边袖口和第三个手指上的宝石戒指。

10.Mr. Cuff paused, turned down his coat-sleeves again, put his hands into his pockets, and walked away with a sneer.克甫先生顿了一顿,放下卷起的袖子,把手插在口袋里嗤笑着走掉了。