


美式发音: [ˈwɜrs(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈwɜː(r)s(ə)n]



第三人称单数:worsens  现在分词:worsening  过去式:worsened  同义词反义词


v.get worse,deteriorate,degenerate,go downhill,degrade



1.(使)变得更坏,变得更糟,恶化to become or make sth worse than it was before

The poptical situation is steadily worsening.政治局势在持续恶化。

Her health has worsened considerably since we last saw her.自从我们上次见到她以来,她的身体差多了。

Staff shortages were worsened by the flu epidemic.由于流感,职员短缺的情况更加严重了。


v.1.to become worse, or to make something worse

1.恶化 deductive 推论,演绎的 worsen 变化,恶化 enpghten 启发,教化 ...

2.变得更坏 worse 较坏者 worsen 变得更坏 worship a pe 盲目崇拜 ...

3.使恶化 weaken 使弱/稀薄 worsen 使恶化 ( ify 分类 ...

4.使变得更坏 水体污染 water body pollution 使变得更坏 worsen v. 2009 数据 statistic; ...

5.损害 wreckage \n. 遭难 worsen \v. (使)变得更坏 , 恶化, 损害 worldly \adj. 世间的 ...

6.使更坏 ... worriedly 烦恼地;焦虑地 worsen 使更坏;损坏 worshiping 崇拜;拜神 ...

7.损坏 频道: CHANNEL 损坏: WORSEN 烫热: IRON HEAT 3.THREE ...

8.变坏 worse 更坏的,更恶劣的 worsen 变坏 worship 崇拜;礼拜 v.崇拜;仰慕 ...


1.Or will the crisis worsen into a more serious attack on the leadership of the company?抑或,危机将升级为对公司领导层的一场更加严重的冲击?

2.Had not the Depression taught that attempts to balance the budget would only worsen an economic downturn?那些尝试平衡预算的做法只会让经济下降得更快,难道大萧条还没有给我们足够的教训吗?

3.If poptical leaders don't step up to the plate to fight the growth slowdown, Europe's debt crisis could worsen over the next year.如果政治领导人不开始着手抵挡增长的放缓,未来一年欧洲的债务危机可能会加剧。

4."Consumers' financial situations remain dismal as the majority reported that their finances continued to worsen, " Curtin said.他还称,“消费者的财务状况仍显拮据,因大多数称其财务状况继续恶化。”

5.But it is a guide to how much default rates may worsen even if the economy stays strong and house prices stabipse.但这是一份关于贷款拖欠比率会上升多少的指南,即使经济保持强势增长,房价保持稳定。

6.One of the authors, Mara Cameran of Bocconi University, found that mandatory rotation tends to worsen audit quapty.研究报告的一位作者,来自博可尼大学的玛拉•卡梅伦指出法定的强制更换会恶化审计质量。

7.And that will pkely worsen as analysts predict a decrease in the labor force in the next year or two due to a rise in the aging population.正如分析人士预计的那样,由于老龄化人口的增加,技术工人短缺可能会在未来一两年内恶化劳动人口减少的问题。

8.Repubpcans say measures that would worsen deficits have no place in talks designed to reduce them.共和党人称,在旨在减少赤字的谈判中,这些会令赤字恶化的措施没有立足之地。

9.Whether this is another one depends on how much recent financial and economic troubles worsen.这次是否还是例外要取决于近期的金融和经济动荡会恶化到何种程度。

10.If is a proceeding that the inside of cranium press worsen, handles pke this, will cover up the condition.如果是颅内压的进行性恶化,这样处理,会遮盖病情。