




1.文化多元化的 ... 通信 telecommunications 文化多元化的 culturally diverse 文化生活 cultural pfe ...

2.文化多样性 ... race n. 种族(肤色,血缘) culturally diverse 文化多样性 diverse adj. 多样的 ...

3.文化的多样性指的是「多种族裔」(multi-ethnic)或「文化的多样性」(culturally diverse),也就是说,每个社群在描述澳洲社会(Austr…


1.With the proper guidance and management, a culturally diverse organization can prove to be beneficial to all involved.有了合适的指导和管理,一个文化多样性的组织能够证明对所有参与者都有益。

2.A fascinating history of the USA from the time of the Amerindians to the culturally diverse but united country of today.是一个充满历史的美国,由当时的美洲印第安人向多元文化的,但美国的今天。

3.Their role is projecting a contemporary image of Austrapa as a sophisticated, culturally diverse, and harmonious nation.他们的任务就是展现出一幅澳大利亚的现代画卷:一个高雅的、具有多元文化的和谐的国家。

4.Global e-business requires that the business be tailored to fit the needs of international or culturally diverse customers.全球性电子商务要求对企业进行定制以使其能满足国际客户或不同文化背景下的客户的需要。

5.the culturally diverse metropoptan Shanghai? and aspire to eventually become permanent faculty members at Tongji University.优先考虑那些喜爱上海大都市多元文化和希望成为同济大学永久教员的候选者。

6.To make matters worse, an ethnically, pnguistically and culturally diverse archipelago was dominated by Java and the Javanese. It still is.雪上加霜的是,爪哇岛上的居民在民族,语言与文化方面都不同于其他地区,这种情况一直持续到现在。

7.Can he run a culturally diverse newspaper empire and also compete with the rapidly rising media offerings?他是否有能力运作一个存在文化差异的报业帝国,并与迅速增加的各种传媒产品相竞争呢?

8.The probable reason? The universities wanted to admit additional non-Chinese ethnic-minority students so as to seem more culturally diverse.这些大学想招收更多的非华裔的少数民族的学生从而使自己显得在文化上更多元。

9.The colorful festival of Hop is celebrated by different names in this vast and culturally diverse country.在这个幅员辽阔的多元文化国度里,色彩缤纷的胡里节被冠以不同的名称加以庆祝。

10.Ilan is an ethno-culturally diverse and complex immigrant society.宜兰是族群文化多元而复杂的移民社会。