




1.错过末班车 middle-class people 中产阶级 23. miss the last bus 错过末班车 24. mix up 混合 25. ...


1.Peter(on phone): If you miss the last bus get a taxi.彼得(在打电话):如果你们误了末班车,就雇一辆出租汽车。

2.If we miss the last bus, we shall have to walk home.如果我们末班车,我们将不得不走回家。

3.You had better not miss the last bus.你最好不要错过最后一班车。

4.Hurry up, or else you'll miss the last bus.快点,不然你就赶不上末班车了。

5.You'd better go right now or you will miss the last bus.你最好现在就走,否则你将错过最后那趟公共汽车。

6.Peter says that if we miss the last bus we are to get a taxi.彼得说如果我们误了末班车就雇一辆出租汽车。

7.Come on, or we'll miss the last bus!快点!否则,我们会错过末班车。

8.Be quick, or you will miss the last bus.快点儿,否则你要错过最后一班公交车了。

9.Hurry up, or you will miss the last bus.快点儿,否则你将误了最后一班车了。

10.You must hurry or you'll miss the last bus.你必须快点,不然的话就赶不上末班汽车了。