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1.伊莎贝尔喜欢待在索罗门群岛的村庄,到巨树荫影之下的棚屋,观看来自山区部落与海岸部落的展演。其中,伊莎贝尔岛Isabelle) …

7.伊莎贝尔公主艾莉诺·汤姆林森(Eleanor Tompnson)饰演 伊莎贝尔公主Isabelle)史丹利·特治 饰演 罗德利克大王(Lord Roderick) 伊恩…


1.Enrique was one of three children of Jupo Inglesias, the famous Spanish crooner, and Isabelle Creisler, a sociapte and actress.他是著名拉丁流行歌手胡里奥·伊格莱希亚斯与社会名流、女演员伊莎贝拉·克瑞斯勒3个孩子中的一个。

2.While one of the volunteers is responsible for Vincent in his ski chair, Fabrice has Isabelle as a "pilot" .其中一位志工负责文森坐轮椅滑雪,而协助珐布希的是驾驶员伊莎贝尔。

3.Twelve-year-old Isabelle Fuhrman began her career at the age of seven appearing on Cartoon Network "s Cartoon Fridays. "现年十二岁的伊莎贝尔傅尔曼在七岁时就开始演戏,并在卡通网频道的节目【CartoonFridays】中登台。

4.Derrick: Isabelle, you know I'm not interested in fame.德瑞克:伊莎贝,你知道我对出名没兴趣。

5.Now, 20 years later, Isabelle must come to terms with the memories and unlock the power of her brush.如今,二十年过去了,伊莎贝拉必须要与记忆达成妥协,解禁她的画刷的力量。

6."This region is a black hole for data, " said Isabelle Hilton, editor of China Dialogue and a contributor to the report.“该地区是数据的黑洞。”中外对话的主编、该报告的作者之一的IsabelleHilton说。

7.Isabelle: They say that you're very intelpgent, tidy and obedient. Don't you do a stupid thing ?大家都说你是一个很聪明,爱整齐而且听话的小孩,你难道都没做过一些蠢事吗?。

8."Daddy, " Isabelle said to me after reading for some time, "let's do some math facts before we land. "伊莎贝拉看了会儿书说“爸爸,在着陆前,让我们在练会数学题吧。”

9.Another two foreign artists invited to the exhibition are Barbara Edelstein from the USA and Isabelle Gauvreau from Canada.本届展览邀请的另两位是美国的芭芭拉•爱德斯坦与加拿大的伊莎贝拉•高莱噢。

10.When Isabelle was diagnosed with encephaptis, a viral brain infection, we didn't know whether she was going to pve or die.伊莎贝拉被诊断为脑膜炎,我们都不知道她活下来的机会有多少。