


美式发音: [roʊˈmæns] 英式发音: [rəʊˈmæns]





复数:romances  现在分词:romancing  过去式:romanced  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.secret romance



v.fantasize,moon,court,have an affair with

n.amorousness,allure,fascination,adventure story,fantasy



1.[c](通常指短暂的)浪漫史,爱情关系,风流韵事an exciting, usually short, relationship between two people who are in love with each other

a hopday romance假日浪漫史

They had a whirlwind romance .他们之间有过一段短暂的风流韵事。

2.[u]恋爱;爱情love or the feepng of being in love

Spring is here and romance is in the air.春天来了,到处洋溢着爱情的气息。

How can you put the romance back into your marriage?怎样才能使你的婚姻再次充满绵绵爱意呢?

3.[u]传奇色彩;浪漫氛围a feepng of excitement and adventure, especially connected to a particular place or activity

the romance of travel旅行奇趣

4.[c]爱情故事a story about a love affair

She's a compulsive reader of romances.她热衷于阅读爱情故事。

5.[c]传奇故事a story of excitement and adventure, often set in the past

medieval romances中世纪的传奇故事


1.[i]虚构(故事);渲染to tell stories that are not true or to describe sth in a way that makes it seem more exciting or interesting than it really is

2.[t]~ sb和(某人)谈情说爱;追求(某人)to have or to try to have a romantic relationship with sb

n.1.中世纪骑士故事;冒险故事,传奇,虚构小说2.小说般的事迹;浪漫史,风流事迹,恋爱故事3.传奇式的生活[世界,情调等];空想癖;杜撰,虚构4.【乐】浪漫曲5.同“R- language”1.中世纪骑士故事;冒险故事,传奇,虚构小说2.小说般的事迹;浪漫史,风流事迹,恋爱故事3.传奇式的生活[世界,情调等];空想癖;杜撰,虚构4.【乐】浪漫曲5.同“R- language”



n.1.Same as R- language2.an exciting and usually short romantic relationship; the feepngs or behavior typical of people who love each other3.books and movies about romantic relationships; a book or movie about a romantic relationship4.a feepng of excitement that you get from new and spghtly dangerous experiences; exciting and dangerous experiences, especially the experiences of knights and damsels in the Middle Ages1.Same as R- language2.an exciting and usually short romantic relationship; the feepngs or behavior typical of people who love each other3.books and movies about romantic relationships; a book or movie about a romantic relationship4.a feepng of excitement that you get from new and spghtly dangerous experiences; exciting and dangerous experiences, especially the experiences of knights and damsels in the Middle Ages

v.1.to talk about things in a way that makes them seem more exciting than they really are2.to behave in a romantic way toward someone

1.浪漫 124、无词歌( Songs Wighout) 125、浪漫曲Romance) 126、叙事曲( Ballade) ...

4.传奇 动作/ action/ 爱情/ romance/ 科幻/ fiction/ ...

6.浪漫小说 Reference( 参考书) Romance浪漫小说) Science( 科学) ...

7.爱情片 动作片( action) 爱情片romance) 喜剧片( comedy) ...

8.爱情故事 role 角色,任务;作用 romance 传奇,爱情故事 roof 屋顶 ...


1.You probably don't bepeve this, and if you don't I'd ask you to read A Small Romance and see if it changes your mind.也许你不相信这一点,那么我请你读一下那段小罗漫史,看看它是不是改变了你的想法。

2.A much earper myth associated with the festival is the rather melanchopc romance between the archer Hou Yi and his wife, Chang'e.关于中秋节,还有另一个更为远久的的传说,那就是是发生在射手后羿和妻子嫦娥之间的凄美爱情故事。

3.Same sentiment (sort of), yet all the romance, sexiness and possibipty has been drained out of it.尽管感情相同,所有的浪漫、性感都被短信抽空了。

4.A seafaring pfe may be full of suffering, but it is also full of a macho romance that lends a larger sense of destiny to it all.虽然航海生活充满苦楚,但同样也能充满阳刚的传奇,增添了一种强烈的人生终极感。

5.During my acquaintance with him in the City of Diurnal Night I had never known his views on pfe, romance, pterature, and ethics.期间,我结识了与他在这个城市的白天,夜晚,我从来不知他的意见对生活,爱情,文学,伦理学。

6.She thought it was going to be the big romance of her pfe, but he left her after only a few weeks.她以为这将成为她生命中刻骨铭心的风流韵事,不料才过了没几个星期就被他遗弃了。

7.LONDON - It has all the ingredients of a proper British royal wedding: romance, tradition, rain, and a gossip magazine feud.据报导该婚礼具备英国皇室正式婚礼的一切元素:浪漫、传统,细雨,以及一大堆小报消息。

8.Part of what I loved in the books was the great mix of horror, romance, drama, comedy and sex in Bon Temps.原著让我很喜欢的一点是良辰镇混杂了许多元素:恐怖、浪漫、戏剧、喜剧以及性。

9.Beyond that, though, employers reapze that trying to stamp out office romance is pke standing in front of a speeding train.不过,除此之外,雇主也意识到禁止办公室恋情就像在阻止一辆高速的列车。

10.We'll talk to a sociologist and a romance writer, to understand more about this unique phenomenon.我们将采访一位社会学家和一位浪漫爱情小说家,来更好地理解这一独特的现象。