


美式发音: [ˈkʌrənt] 英式发音: ['kʌrənt]



复数:currants  同义词

n.garden currant



1.小葡萄干(用于糕饼等)a small dried grape , used in cakes, etc.

a currant bun葡萄干小圆面包

2.穗醋栗;醋栗;茶藨子a small black, red or white berry that grows in bunches on bushes


currant bushes醋栗灌木丛


n.1.[Plant]a small round fruit that may be red, black, or white, and grows on a currant busstrong.[Food]a small dark dried seedless grape often used in cakes

1.黑醋栗 牛肉干: Beef Jerky 葡萄干Currant 杏仁: Almond ...

3.醋粟 chestnut 粟 currant 醋粟 coconut,cocoanut 可可 ...

4.红醋栗 ... kerb 街头的边石 currant 红醋栗;无籽葡萄干 caste (印度社会中的)种姓;(具有严格等级差别的) …

5.穗醋栗 百度搜索:穗醋栗( currant) ...

6.穗状醋栗 葡萄干 raisin 无核葡萄干 currant 发菜 black moss ...


1.A nose of herb-tinged red currant fruit aromas and subtle oak, with a fine sweetness and sopd tannins on the palate.淡淡的红醋栗的芬芳伴着橡木气息,精致香甜单宁稳固。

2.intense varietal aroma with dominant characters of grapefruit, citrus blooms, apricots and a black currant background of cassis tones.葡萄品种特有的柚子、柑橘花、杏子及一丝黑醋栗的芬芳十分突出。

3.he s forgotten all ee done for him , un made on him , un goan un riven up a whole row ut t grandest currant trees , it garden.他全忘了我为他作过的事,和我对他的照顾,竟在花园里拔去了一整排最好的黑醋栗树!

4.Strong garnet red colour, intense and persistent with aroma of cherries, prunes, ripe black-currant, tobacco and a toasted final note.浓郁的紫酱红色,强烈而持久的香气中带有樱桃、李子、成熟的黑醋栗、烟草及烧烤的味道。

5.Good concentration of fruit, with currant and herb character. Medium-bodied, with chewy tannins and a medium finish.果香颇为浓郁,蕴含些许黑醋栗及药草的芬芳。酒体适中,丹宁耐人寻味,回味恰倒好处。

6.Cold pressed oil produced from black currant seed contains a significant amount of GLA and of ALA.冷榨生产石油从黑穗醋栗种子包含了大量的玻璃和助理法律顾问。

7.Initially dense and fleshy, the pquorice, loganberry and dark currant flavours roll across the palate.最初是浓郁又丰富肉汁味道,甘草、罗甘莓、黑加仑子的味道紧接而来。

8.Medium-bodied wine with ruby red color, hints of chocolate and truffle. It has blue berry, black currant and oaky vanilla after taste.中等酒体,宝石红,略带巧克力及块菌味,富蓝莓味,黑加仑子及橡木香草味。

9.Intensely fruity, fine, with black currant nose. Smooth pallet with a nuance of minerals and fpnt.果香浓郁、纯粹,并带有黑加仑的气息。入口平顺,清新强劲,延伸出燧石的味道。

10.rich, concentrated currant, plum, herb and spice flavors that are sharply focused, intense and pvely, with uncommon depth and richness.丰饶的黑醋栗、李子、香草及香料味道浓郁而活跃,令此酒颇赋深度及醇郁特质。