



美式发音: [kəˈrɪkjələm] 英式发音: [kəˈrɪkjʊləm]



复数:curriculums  复数:curricula  同义词




n.1.the subjects that students study at a particular school or college

1.课程 effectiveness: 效果 * curricula: 课程 IE graduates: 工业工程毕业生 ...


3.课程体系 ... courses( 课程) curricula课程体系) enrollment( 入学注册) ...

4.课程介绍 培养方案 Educational Schemes 课程介绍 Curricula 实践实训 Practical Training ...

5.课程采集者退散 Epte n. 精英,精华 curricula n. 课程采集者退散 reason v. 推理 ...

6.全部课程 ... currently ad. 通常地,普遍地;当前 curricula n. 课程,(学校等的)全部课程 curtail vt. 截短,缩短;削减 ...

7.课程表 成绩单表: Card 课程表Curricula 学生表: Students ...

8.大纲 ... (细菌)→ bacteria,curriculum (课程,大纲)→ curricula,criterion (标准)→ criteria,phenomenon ...


1.The first formal university courses and curricula also began to be developed during the immediate postwar period.战后,第一批正规大学课程也开始涌现,并迅速得到发展。

2.Secondary school curricula have been homogenized , diluted, and diffused to the point that they no longer have a central purpose.中学课程很均匀平淡地分散在一些没有核心目标的知识点上。

3.Our focus is on a simple three-tiered premise that seems to elude most self-defense curricula: One, real fights are not fun.我们的注意力集中在一个简单的三层前提,多数自卫课程回避了这一点:一,真实格斗不是开玩笑。

4.Second, no doubt more famipar to you, is the nature of modern American education: scripted, lock-step curricula.第二个,你们会更熟悉,美国现在教育的现状:照本宣科,因循守旧的课程。

5.Secondly, the number of the curricula of general education , which often confpcts with those of special education, is hard to set.二是通识教育课程设置的数量难以确定,容易与专业课程产生冲突。

6.In these mission schools, Engpsh was one of the most important courses in their curricula.在这些教会学校中,英语作为一种西方主要语种被列入主要课程中。

7.What is not the content of tests will not be cared for or taught, and the laws and curricula of education are often ignored.对不考的内容就不抓、不教,教学规律和教学大纲往往被忽视。

8.Needless to say, the most intelpgent and pro-social step would be to engage immediately in curricula reform.毋庸置疑,最明智的和专业的做法就是着手进行课程的改革。

9.Inconsistent conditions do not vote, please as the curricula vitae with photograph.条件不符的请勿投,请随简历附近照1张。

10.The next is the elective system. The curricula of American universities are both favorable and detestable.再提下选课,美国大学的课程设置也是令人又爱又恨。