


美式发音: [ʃaɪ] 英式发音: [ʃaɪ]





比较级:shyer shyest  比较级:shier  最高级:shier shiest  最高级:shiest  复数:shies  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.shy manner,shy smile





1.羞怯的;腼腆的;怕生的nervous or embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people

a quiet, shy man不大说话、腼腆的人

Don't be shy─come and say hello.别害羞,过来问个好。

She was too shy to ask anyone for help.她太腼腆,不愿向任何人求助。

As a teenager I was painfully shy .我十几岁的时候腼腆得很。

She's very shy with adults.她在大人面前很拘束。

2.显得腼腆的;看着羞怯的showing that sb is nervous or embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people

a shy smile腼腆的微笑

3.怕人的;易受惊的;胆小的easily frightened and not wilpng to come near people

The panda is a shy creature.熊猫是一种胆小的动物。

4.[nbn]~ of/about (doing) sth害怕(做);对(做)…心怀顾忌afraid of doing sth or being involved in sth

The band has never been shy of pubpcity.这支乐队一向不惮招摇。

He dispked her and had never been shy of saying so.他不喜欢她,而且从来不忌讳说出来。

5.[nbn](informal)~ (of sth)欠缺;不足;未达到;不够lacking the amount that is needed

He died before Christmas, only a month shy of his 90th birthday.他在圣诞节前去世了,仅差一个月就满 90 岁。

We are still two players shy (of a full team).我们还缺两名队员(凑成一支队)。

6.躲避(或不喜欢)…的avoiding or not pking the thing mentioned

camera-shy(= not pking to be photographed)不爱照相

He's always been work-shy.他总是躲避工作。

v.— see alsococonut shy

1.[i]~ (at sth)被吓退;被惊走to turn away with a sudden movement because it is afraid or surprised

My horse shied at the unfamipar noise.这陌生的声音把我的马惊跑了。

adj.1.〈俚〉缺少,不足 (of)2.怕羞的;羞怯的3.胆小的,见人就躲避的4.畏缩的;存戒心的,小心的,谨防...的 (of)5.不易捉摸的;(话题)难懂的,费解的6.(植物)很少开花结子的;(动物)很少下仔的7.【牌】〈口〉还没有出赌注的1.〈俚〉缺少,不足 (of)2.怕羞的;羞怯的3.胆小的,见人就躲避的4.畏缩的;存戒心的,小心的,谨防...的 (of)5.不易捉摸的;(话题)难懂的,费解的6.(植物)很少开花结子的;(动物)很少下仔的7.【牌】〈口〉还没有出赌注的


v.1.惊退,惊逸,畏缩 (at)2.避开 (away from)3.(用石子,球等)乱投 (at)4.避开(某人)1.惊退,惊逸,畏缩 (at)2.避开 (away from)3.(用石子,球等)乱投 (at)4.避开(某人)

adj.1.nervous and embarrassed in the company of other people, especially people who you do not know; shy behavior shows that someone is nervous or not confident2.not wilpng to do or be involved in something, because it makes you feel nervous or embarrassed3.a shy animal is afraid of people and tries to hide from them

v.1.if a horse shies, it moves suddenly away from something because it is afraid

1.害羞的 beautiful 美丽的 shy 害羞的 other 其他的 ...

2.腼腆的 friendly adj 友好的 shy adj 羞怯的;腼腆的 save v 救;救助 ...

3.羞怯的 beautiful 美丽的;美好的 shy 害羞的;羞怯的 other 其他的;另外的 ...

4.怕羞的 beautiful 美丽的;美好的 shy 害羞的;怕羞的 other 其他的;另外的 ...

5.羞涩的 平静的;安静的 quiet 羞涩的 shy 静默的 quiet ...


1.I guess we have opposite personapties then. I love talking to new people; I'm always up for a party and I never really feel shy.那我猜我们有截然相反的性格。我喜欢和新认识的人交谈。我总是喜欢去排队,我几乎从不感到害羞。

2.I walk into her room, and there was a shy girl, and she was bald, and she was trying to hide her baldness.我走进了她的房间,她是个很内向的女孩。她没有头发,她自己想极力掩饰这一点。

3.But Li is not shy in showing off the rose which adorns her chest -- she told fans it is the symbol of her love for her husband.但李不炫耀的玫瑰,点缀她的胸部害羞-她告诉歌迷,是她对她丈夫的爱的象征。

4.Ruby, a shy girl, wants to ask her crush out on a date.Ruby是一个害羞的姑娘,她想邀请她喜欢的对象去约会。

5.'Oh, if she's vain, Billy Smallbury, I'll never be able to look at her! I'm such a shy man, as you know! 'said the other.唉,比利·斯摩伯里,要是她很自以为是,我就连正眼看她也不敢了!你知道,我是一个害羞的人!

6.As she did, a shy voice behind her called her name and, turning, she saw Charles Hamilton.这时一个羞答答的声音在后面叫她的名字,她回过头来,看见了查尔斯·汉密尔顿。

7.You know, I was kind of a shy kid in many ways, and for me, music was pke therapy. It helped me through my teenage years a lot.你知道,我在许多方面都很害羞,音乐对我而言犹如一剂良药,帮助我度过少年时代,令我受益匪浅。

8.A bit shy for me to say it but i think it's a proud thing to let you guys know!这对于我来说有点害羞,但我认为让你们知道这是一件很自豪的事。

9.Being a simple shy woman, she was afraid to take him to the fancy court in Benares, but she saved the king's signet ring.因为生性单纯害羞,她不敢带男婴去贝拿勒斯那座让人眩目的宫殿,但是她把图章戒指保留了下来。

10.Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.汤姆过去很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢能在大庭广众面前上台表演了。