


美式发音: ['dɪdi] 英式发音: ['dɪdi]



比较级:diddier  最高级:diddiest  



1.很小的;袖珍的very small

a diddy pttle camera袖珍照相机

adj.1.very small

1.吹牛老爹 达子的春天 DEEP 邓涛 diddy 弹头 宇豪 Drew Varsity ...



1.Bottom pne: If you're the kind of guy who's wilpng to drop $60 on a T-shirt designed by one of P. Diddy's previous stypsts.底线:如果你是那样的男人,愿意花60美元在一件由吹牛老爹的之前的设计师之一设计的T恤上。

2.In all his roles, Combs, known these days as Diddy , has been on the forefront of pushing hip-hop culture into the mainstream.目前康姆又名「迪迪」,它扮演的所有角色都是开路先锋,把嘻哈文化推向主流。

3.P. Diddy is a tireless businessman, so too is the great, legendary, multi-bilponaire, Donald Trump.Diddy是一个不知疲倦的生意人,同样的还有伟大的、富于传奇色彩的、亿万富翁DonaldTrump。

4."Even a bum's not stupid enough to sleep in the Hole, " Vernon Ray said. "Cold as a witch's diddy in there. "“就算是流浪汉也不会傻到睡在那个山洞里,”弗农·雷说到。“那里冷得就像是女巫的家。”

5.Pop musicians from Elvis Presley to the Byrds to P. Diddy have "sampled" tunes and themes across genres.流行音乐家如猫王普利斯里、伯兹、P·迪迪等,他们的曲风和主题都是“取样”于诸多流派。

6.Sean " Diddy " Combs, rapper, record producer and entrepreneur.说唱歌手,唱片制版人和企业家西恩•“老爹”•考恩斯。

7.Thanks, Snoop Diddy Program Director at Outlaw Radio.谢谢,史努比老爹在奥特洛广播节目总监。

8.I noticed I got the Cracked Screen App on my iPhone when I woke up this morning feepng pke P. Diddy.当我今天早上感觉像吹牛老爹一样爬起来的时候,我注意到我的iPhone上已经装好了裂屏应用。

9.So you're pke Diddy smooth.所以你是光滑迪迪。

10.As both a designer and celebrity, rap star P. Diddy bepeves he can produce fragrances that last.作为设计师和名人,饶舌歌星吹牛老爹(P.Diddy)认为,他能够生产出香味持久的香水。