


美式发音: [ˈkɜrsəri] 英式发音: [ˈkɜː(r)səri]








1.粗略的;仓促的done quickly and without giving enough attention to details

a cursory glance/examination/inspection匆匆的一瞥;粗略的审查╱检查


adj.1.quick and not thorough

1.草率的 recurrent a 一再发生的 cursory a 草率的 cursive v (字)草写的 ...

2.粗略的 concur v. 同时发生 cursory adj. 匆匆忙忙的, 粗略的, 草率的 incursion n. 袭击, 侵入 ...

3.匆促的 Cogent 有说服力的 Cursory 匆促的,匆忙的 Vacillating 摇动的,优柔寡断的 ...

4.浮光掠影 浮泛〖 floatabout〗 浮光掠影〖 skimmingoverthesurface;cursory〗 浮滑〖 frivolousandfoxy〗 ...

5.仓促的 currency n. 通用;通货;市价 cursory adj. 仓促的 curt adj. 简短的,草率的 ...

6.匆匆忙忙的 concur v. 同时发生 cursory adj. 匆匆忙忙的, 粗略的, 草率的 incursion n. 袭击, 侵入 ...

7.肤皮潦草 ... 肥美,美〖 beautiful〗 肤皮潦草cursory;casual;perfunctory〗 肤色〖 colorofskin〗 ...

8.匆忙的 Cogent 有说服力的 Cursory 匆促的,匆忙的 Vacillating 摇动的,优柔寡断的 ...


1."It looks as if someone has done a bit of carving with a knife" I said after a cursory inspection.“好像有人用小刀在这里刻过什么东西。”我略略看了一下后说。

2.What I offer below is just a cursory glance at some of the more important WSFL concepts.下面我仅仅粗略地讲一下一些更重要的WSFL的概念。

3.This then is something of a cursory view of the direction taken by contemporary quantum field theory.这就是对现代电子场论的趋向的粗略的一瞥。

4.This post is going to attempt to help you figure out how to analyze them, at least at a cursory level.本文旨在让你了解如何分析这些报表,至少大略上了解。

5.Mrs. Charmond fell into a meditation , and repped abstractedly to a cursory remark of her companion's.查曼德夫人陷入了沉思,心不在焉地回答着同伴没有深思熟虑地说出的议论。

6.Any discussion of system security would be incomplete without at least a cursory word or two on the topic of passwords.如果没有(哪怕是粗略地)提到一两句关于密码的话题,那么任何关于系统安全性的讨论都将是不完整的。

7.I've only had time to give it a cursory examination, but it's clearly a deep and complex set of software.我只匆匆试了一下,明显这是一套复杂的软件。

8.Someone offered a cursory explanation of the rules, and I duly proceeded to come fourth out of four players.有个人匆匆忙忙的介绍了一遍规则就开始了,我一贯如此得拿到了四个人中的第四名。

9.Only the cursory mention is made of those statistical approaches that have been fully dealt with elsewhere.其它地方详细介绍过的统计学方法,这里仅粗略一提。

10.The white cloth, the ancient "Shu can cursory airtight, " said the more the "black-white when" on.对于布白,古有“疏可走马密不透风”之说,更有“计白当黑”之论。