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1.[obn]失事的;遇难的;毁坏的having been wrecked

a wrecked ship/marriage遇难的船只;破裂的婚姻

2.[nbn]喝得烂醉very drunk


adj.1.very badly damaged or destroyed2.extremely tired3.very drunk

v.1.The past tense and past participle of wreck

1.失事 Scream of the Banshee[ 尖叫的女妖] Wrecked[ 失事] Black Death[ 黑死病] ...

2.失事的 whisper v. 低语 wrecked a. (船) 失事的 yield v. 放弃 ...

3.残骸生机 你是天堂爱是地狱 Lost In Paradise 残骸生机 Wrecked 浪漫爱婚头 The Romantics ...

4.毁坏的 ... warmth 温暖 wrecked 毁坏的 durian 榴莲 ...

5.残破的 ... Wrecked : 出事 Wrecked残破的 Wrecked : 搅黄 ...

6.出事 ... Wrecked : 失事 Wrecked出事 Wrecked : 残破的 ...


1.The next day, another ship was wrecked and the only survivor was a woman who swam to his side of the island.天,又有一艘船失事了,唯一幸存的女人游泳到他边的岛。

2.Currently, relevant departments have been mobipzed pfting equipment, ready to salvage the wrecked yacht.目前,有关部门已经调集了起重设备,准备把失事游艇打捞出水。

3.The ship is wrecked off an unknown island near the northeast coast of South America. Crusoe is the only survivor.他们的船在南美洲东北海岸一个不知名的岛屿附近失事,鲁滨逊是唯一的幸存者。

4.Without mentioning the Uzbek community by name, Otunbayeva said the wrecked city of Osh would be rebuilt.虽然没有点名提及乌兹别克族聚居的奥什,奥通巴耶娃说该市将会得到重建。

5.A voyaging ship was wrecked during a storm at sea and only two of the men aboard were able to swim to a small, desert-pke island.一艘客轮在海上遇到暴风雨而翻覆,两个人游泳到荒凉的小岛上。

6.Mary sank down on the hearth- rug in the wrecked room and sobbed as if her heart would break .玛丽坐在零乱不堪的房间里的炉边地毯上,伤心地哭泣着,好象心都要碎了。

7.Still, it has avoided the kind of catastrophic performance that has wrecked the long-term track record of other value investors.不过,Dimensional避免了令其他价值型投资者一世英名付诸东流的那种灾难性表现。

8.The next day, in clear weather, Crusoe is able to swim out to the wrecked ship which he finds loaded with useful supppes in good condition.次日天气晴朗,鲁滨逊设法游到失事的船边,他发现满船的有用的物品依然完好无损。

9.The only problem was, as in most world heritage sites around the world, that the throngs of people wrecked the peace and calm.唯一的问题就是,和世界上所有文化遗址一样,熙熙攘攘的人群破坏了这里的和平与安宁。

10.Gina almost killed us driving over here, she was DWT. I finally grabbed the phone out of her hand before we wrecked.来的路上吉娜差点害死我们,她边开车边发简讯。后来我从她手里把手机抢过来,还避免了车祸。