


网络释义:线程环境块(Thread Environment Block);总误差带(Total Error Band)


1.线程环境块(Thread Environment Block)指定线程环境块(TEB)。如果为0或者省略,则使用当前线程。

2.总误差带(Total Error Band)Total Error Band (TEB) - The maximum deviation in output from Ideal Transfer Function over the entire Compensated Temper…


1.Additional data areas it recognizes include Environment, Process Parameters, Process Heap, Thread Stack, and Thread Environment Block (TEB).它是别的其他数据区包括环境、进程参数、进程堆、线程栈和线程环境块(TEB)。

2.The TEB is prepared during apppcation start up and contain pointers to thread related additional data.程序启动前TEB便被初始化并且含有线程重定位数据指针。

3.The TEB structure is available on all operating systems structure contain pointer.初始化指针定位TEB结构在所有的操作系统中都是有效的。

4.Thread Executive Object for the primary thread of the process (ETHREAD, KTHREAD and TEB structures) has to be set up.必须建立进程的主线程的线程执行对象(ETHREAD,KTHREAD和TEBstructures)。

5.First of all, we get the base addresses of PEB and TEB and resolve the operating system base by analysing them首先,获取PEB和TEB的基底位址,通过分析他们获取不同的作业系统资讯。

6.teb - diplay current thread execution blockdiplay当前线程执行块