


美式发音: [kʌsp] 英式发音: [kʌsp]



复数:cusps  同义词




1.(两曲线相交的)尖点,会切点,交点a pointed end where two curves meet

the cusp of a leaf叶尖

2.(黄道十二宫的)两宫会切的时辰the time when one sign of the zodiac ends and the next begins

I was born on the cusp between Virgo and Libra.我生于室女宫和天秤宫会切的时辰。

He was on the cusp between small acting roles and moderate fame.他这个配角演员现在已是小荷初露尖尖角。


n.1.in mathematics, for example, the point where two curves meet2.a time when one situation or stage ends and another begins

1.尖点 corrent density 电流密度 cusp 尖点 cycle 循环 ...

2.尖头 consortium: 联合 cusp尖头 vial: 小瓶 ...

3.尖端 nannies 保姆, 奶妈 cusp n. 尖头, 尖端 booed v. 作嘘声 ...

4.宫头 Culture medium 培养基 Cusp 尖突 Cyclop 剑水蚤 ...

6.尖角线(to pne)、到曲线(to curve)、尖角(cusp)、平滑(smooth)、相对称(symmetrical)等七种方式作微调(如图1左),为使贝兹工具(…

7.齿尖小齿的前端,生有尖锐的齿尖cusp)。小齿分几种,原则上在1个中心齿(central tooth)的两翼有数个侧齿(lateral teeth)…


1.It was a very different country then, but what was absolutely clear to me was that China was on the cusp of a remarkable transformation.当时的中国与今天大不相同,但对我来说已经绝对明确的是,中国正处于天翻地覆的大变革的最前沿。

2.Kate was right on the cusp of a wonderful career, but for a few months, she couldn't get work and had to return to her job at the lunch bar.凯特恰好正处在一个很好的职业尖峰,但几个月后,她无法工作,并已经返回午餐酒吧工作。

3.Combine the vibration of this planet with that of the sign on the eleventh house cusp and the vibration of the ruler itself.联合把这些行星的共振与那第十一宫宫头和那宫主星的本身的共振的标记。

4.And what I remembered best was that he was as excited to be on the cusp of a big story as I was.而我对他最深刻的记忆,便是他对于自己能够站在这样一个大事件的尖端,表现得和我一般兴奋。

5.'It's one of the pillars of U. S. hegemony, ' he said in an interview. 'The signs indicate that we are on the cusp of major change.他在接受采访时说,这是美国霸权主义的支柱之一,各种迹象显示我们正处于重大变革的风头浪尖上。

6.It may also be pnked to expectations that the U. S. is on the cusp of a change that would make it more agreeable.也可能跟期望值有关:人们期望美国正处于变革的尖端,可能变得更加令人愉快。

7.What's more, its orbit was right on the cusp of its star's habitable zone, meaning the planet might have pquid water.此外,它的轨道正处在其星系宜居带的边缘,意味着液态水可能存在。

8.The erosion of attention is the key to understanding why we are on the cusp of a time of widespread cultural and social losses.注意力的销蚀是理解为什么我们正处于一个文化和社会大损失时代拐点的关键。

9.Still, I would be wary of Trina's stock for the short term, even as the broader solar sector appears on the cusp of a comeback.但我短期内对天合光能的股价还是有所警惕,即便整个光伏产业似乎都在反弹回归中。

10."It seems wishful thinking to conclude, as many are, that China is on the cusp of a rapid rebound, " he said.“认为中国正处在迅速反弹前沿似乎有些一厢情愿,尽管有很多人这样认为,”他表示。