


美式发音: [ˈkʌstəmz] 英式发音: ['kʌstəmz]







1.(政府部门)海关the government department that collects taxes on goods bought and sold and on goods brought into the country, and that checks what is brought in

The Customs have seized large quantities of smuggled heroin.海关查获了大量走私的海洛因。

a customs officer海关官员

2.(港口或机场的)海关the place at a port or an airport where your bags are checked as you come into a country

to go through customs and passport control通过海关和交验护照

3.关税;进口税the taxes that must be paid to the government when goods are brought in from other countries

to pay customs on sth为某物缴纳关税

customs duty/duties进口税


n.1.The plural of custom2.a government department that collects taxes on goods that people bring into a country3.the place at a port, airport, or border where officials check that the goods that people are bringing into a country are legal, and whether they should pay customs duties4.the taxes that you pay on goods that you bring into a country1.The plural of custom2.a government department that collects taxes on goods that people bring into a country3.the place at a port, airport, or border where officials check that the goods that people are bringing into a country are legal, and whether they should pay customs duties4.the taxes that you pay on goods that you bring into a country

1.海关 不需报关 nothing to declare 海关 customs 登机口 gate;departure gate ...

2.关税 customer n. (商店等的)顾客,主顾 customs n. 海关,关税 cycle vi. 骑自行车 ...

3.习俗 customer n. (商店等的)顾客,主顾 customs n. 海关,习俗 cycle vi . 骑自行车 ...

4.进口税 Custom colors 自定义颜色 Customs 进口税,海关 Customs clearance 清关 ...

5.风俗习惯 .Received 收到;接到 .Customs 风俗习惯 Greetings 问候;打招 …

6.海关的 customer n. 顾客,买主 customs a. 海关的;定做的(衣) cut vt. 切、割 ...

7.报关 debenture coupon 债券利息票 customs 报关 debenture interest 债券利息 ...

8.入关税 custom 习惯,风俗 customs 入关税 D dam 大坝 ...


1.We work closely with in-country experts to understand local practices and customs that must be woven into the fabric of the new hospital.我们与当地的专家一起工作,了解必须融入新的医院的当地习俗。

2.The customs value of your shipment determines how much import duty the international consignee will have to pay.货件的报关价值决定国际收件人需要缴纳多少进口关税。

3.I do not trust getting packages back through customs, product coming from China is not classed correct and i cannot do that.我不信任退货的时候能通过海关,因为来自中国的产品是不够规格和级别的。

4.Certainly, I think if I were at customs deciding whether to admit myself or not, I would have to say no.当然,如果是我在海关来决定我是否能出境,我想我得说不。

5.The inward and outward means of transport staying at a place with a Customs office shall not depart there unless permitted by the Customs.停留在设立海关的地点的进出境运输工具,未经海关同意,不得擅自驶离。

6.Yeah. Even though the customs were brilpant, I didn't think it was as good as the first two. What did you think?对.尽管服装做得很精致,但我还是觉得不如前两部拍的好.你觉得呢?

7.Case we do not , we will have to pay very high fines due to lack of original document or just be unable to clear materials from customs.否则,我们将由于不能提供正本文件而必须支付高额罚款,或者无法从海关提走样品。

8.Lichen bonded warehouse is only one pubpc bonded warehouse in Linyi city, it had been permitted by Qingdao Customs.立晨保税库是临沂市境内经青岛海关批准设立的唯一一家开展保税业务的公用型保税仓库。

9.The customs value of your shipment determines how much import duty you will have to pay.货件的报关价值决定您必须付多少进口关税。

10.As an account of a great number of love affairs and wedding customs, The Book of Songs reflects the social system on marriages of the time.《诗经》作为我国第一部诗歌总集,其中记载了大量的婚恋现象和婚姻礼俗,反映了当时社会的婚礼文化和制度。