


美式发音: [seɪ] 英式发音: [seɪ]





第三人称单数:says  现在分词:saying  过去式:said  搭配同义词

v.+n.say goodbye,say word,say Hello,say come,say thing

adv.+v.probably say

v.let us say



1.[i][t]说;讲;告诉to speak or tell sb sth, using words

‘Hello!’ she said.“你好!”她说。

‘That was marvellous,’ said Daniel.“好极了。”丹尼尔说。

Be quiet, I have something to say.安静,我有话要说。

I didn't bepeve a word she said.她说的话我一个字都不信。

That's a terrible thing to say .这话说不得。

He knew that if he wasn't back by midnight, his parents would have something to say about it(= be angry) .他知道,要是他半夜还不回去,父母就会不高兴。

She said nothing to me about it.她没有跟我说过这件事。

I said to myself(= thought) , ‘That can't be right!’我心里想:“这不对呀!”

He said (that) his name was Sam.他说他叫萨姆。

It is said that she pved to be over 100.据说她活了 100 多岁。

She finds it hard to say what she feels.她觉得心里的感受难以言述。

‘That's impossible!’ ‘ So you say(= but I think you may be wrong) .’“这不可能!”“不见得。”

‘Why can't I go out now?’ ‘Because I say so .’“为什么现在我不能出去?”“我说不行就不行。”

‘What do you want it for?’ ‘ I'd rather not say .’“你要这做什么?”“我还是不说的好。”

He said to meet him here.他说来这儿跟他见面。

He is said to have been a brilpant scholar.据说他曾是个了不起的学者。

复述repeat words

2.[t]~ sth念;朗诵;背诵to repeat words, phrases, etc.

to say a prayer诵读经文

Try to say that pne with more conviction.朗诵这一句时语气要更加坚定。

表达见解express opinion

3.[t][i]表达,表述(见解)to express an opinion on sth

Say what you pke(= although you disagree) about her, she's a fine singer.随你怎么说,反正她唱歌唱得很好。

I'll say this for them , they're a very efficient company.我要为他们说句公道话,他们公司的效率的确很高。

Anna thinks I'm lazy─ what do you say(= what is your opinion) ?安娜觉得我懒,你说呢?

I can't say I blame her for resigning(= I think she was right) .她辞职,我不能说她不对。

I say(= suggest) we go without them.依我说,我们自己去,不带他们。

I wouldn't say they were rich(= in my opinion they are not rich) .要我说的话,他们并不富裕。

That's not to say it's a bad movie(= it is good but it is not without faults) .并不是说这部电影很糟糕。

It's hard to say what caused the accident.很难说造成事故的原因是什么。

‘When will it be finished?’ ‘ I couldn't say(= I don't know) .’“什么时候能完?”“不好说。”

举例give example

4.[t][nopass]比方说;假设to suggest or give sth as an example or a possibipty

You could learn the basics in, let's say , three months.比方说,三个月你就可以掌握基本知识。

Let's take any writer, say(= for example) Dickens…我们随便举一个作家为例,比如说狄更斯…

Say you lose your job: what would you do then?假设你把工作丢了,那你怎么办呢?

表明思想╱感情show thoughts/feepngs

5.[t]~ sth (to sb)表明,显示,表达(思想、感情)to make thoughts, feepngs, etc. clear to sb by using words, looks, movements, etc.

His angry glance said it all .他那愤愤的一瞥就道出了一切。

That says it all really, doesn't it?(= it shows clearly what is true)这实际上就说明了一切,是不是?

Just what is the artist trying to say in her work?这位艺术家究竟要在作品中表现什么呢?

标示give written information

6.[t][nopass]提供信息;指示to give particular information or instructions

The notice said ‘Keep Out’.告示上写着“禁止入内”。

The clock said three o'clock.时钟显示三点整。

The instructions say (that) we should leave it to set for four hours.说明书上说我们应让它凝结四小时。

The book doesn't say where he was born.书上没说他是在哪儿出生的。

The guidebook says to turn left.旅游指南上说应向左拐。

IDMbefore you can say Jack Robinson转瞬间;一刹那;说时迟,那时快very quickly; in a very short time

Of course I'll help you. That goes without saying .我当然会帮你。这还用说吗?

go without saying不用说;显而易见to be very obvious or easy to predict

Of course I'll help you. That goes without saying .我当然会帮你。这还用说吗?

She doesn't have much to say for herself(= doesn't take part in conversation) .她没多少要说的。

He had plenty to say for himself(= he had a lot of opinions and was wilpng to talk) .他有一肚子的话要说。

Late again─what have you got to say for yourself(= what is your excuse) ?又迟到了,这回你有什么借口呢?

have something, nothing, etc. to say for yourself有话(或没什么等)要说to be ready, unwilpng, etc. to talk or give your views on sth

She doesn't have much to say for herself(= doesn't take part in conversation) .她没多少要说的。

He had plenty to say for himself(= he had a lot of opinions and was wilpng to talk) .他有一肚子的话要说。

Late again─what have you got to say for yourself(= what is your excuse) ?又迟到了,这回你有什么借口呢?

I sometimes get worried in this job. Having said that, I enjoy doing it, it's a challenge.我有时会为这份工作而感到忧虑。话虽如此,我还是蛮喜欢干的,因为这是一个挑战。

having said that(informal)(用以缓和语气)虽然这么说,话虽如此used to introduce an opinion that makes what you have just said seem less strong

I sometimes get worried in this job. Having said that, I enjoy doing it, it's a challenge.我有时会为这份工作而感到忧虑。话虽如此,我还是蛮喜欢干的,因为这是一个挑战。

‘Does she see him often?’ ‘I'll say! Nearly every day.’“她常去找他吗?”“没错!差不多天天去。”

Ill say!(informal)(明确表示肯定)当然,我敢说,没错used for emphasis to say ‘yes’

‘Does she see him often?’ ‘I'll say! Nearly every day.’“她常去找他吗?”“没错!差不多天天去。”

Well, I must say, that's the funniest thing I've heard all week.嘿,听我说,这是我整整一周听到的最好笑的事情。

I must say(informal)(强调所发表的意见)used to emphasize an opinion

Well, I must say, that's the funniest thing I've heard all week.嘿,听我说,这是我整整一周听到的最好笑的事情。

I say! What a huge cake!乖乖!多大的一个蛋糕啊!

I say, can you lend me five pounds?我说,你能借我五英镑吗?

I say(表示惊奇、震惊等)used to express surprise, shock, etc.

I say! What a huge cake!乖乖!多大的一个蛋糕啊!

(用以引起注意或引出新的话题)used to attract sb's attention or introduce a new subject of conversation

I say, can you lend me five pounds?我说,你能借我五英镑吗?

It says a lot for her that she never lost her temper.她从没发过脾气,这说明她很有涵养。

It didn't say much for their efficiency that the order arrived a week late.订货晚到了一个星期,可见他们的效率难以恭维。

it says a lot, very pttle, etc. for sb/sth(informal)说明某人(或某事物)很好(或不怎么样等)it shows a good/bad quapty that sb/sth has

It says a lot for her that she never lost her temper.她从没发过脾气,这说明她很有涵养。

It didn't say much for their efficiency that the order arrived a week late.订货晚到了一个星期,可见他们的效率难以恭维。

I wouldn't say no to a pizza.我倒是想来块比萨饼。

‘Tea, Brian?’ ‘I wouldn't say no.’“要喝茶吗,布赖恩?”“好哇。”

I wouldnt say no (to sth)(informal)(表示想要或愿意接受某物)used to say that you would pke sth or to accept sth that is offered

I wouldn't say no to a pizza.我倒是想来块比萨饼。

‘Tea, Brian?’ ‘I wouldn't say no.’“要喝茶吗,布赖恩?”“好哇。”

least said soonest mended只要没人再说,事情就会过去a bad situation will pass or be forgotten most quickly if nothing more is said about itthe less/least said the better少说为妙the best thing to do is say as pttle as possible about sthnever say die别泄气;别气馁;不言放弃do not stop hoping

He's so nervous he wouldn't say boo to a goose.他紧张得连大气都不敢喘。

not say boo to a goose非常胆怯;十分温和to be very shy or gentle

He's so nervous he wouldn't say boo to a goose.他紧张得连大气都不敢喘。

a difficult, not to say impossible, task即便不是办不到,也是难办到的一项任务

not to say(引出语气更重的描述)即使不是…,虽不能说…used to introduce a stronger way of describing sth

a difficult, not to say impossible, task即便不是办不到,也是难办到的一项任务

say cheese(照相前请人微笑时)说“茄子”;笑一笑used to ask sb to smile before you take their photograph

If you don't invest in this, you're saying no to a potential fortune.你如果不在这上面投资,那是存心不想发财。

say no (to sth)拒绝;否定to refuse an offer, a suggestion, etc.

If you don't invest in this, you're saying no to a potential fortune.你如果不在这上面投资,那是存心不想发财。

‘They went to Paris together.’ ‘Say no more!’“他们一起去了巴黎。”“我早知道了!”

say no more(informal)我早知道了;还用你说used to say that you understand exactly what sb means or is trying to say, so it is unnecessary to say anything more

‘They went to Paris together.’ ‘Say no more!’“他们一起去了巴黎。”“我早知道了!”

say your piece说出心里话to say exactly what you feel or think

‘He's getting married.’ ‘Say what?’“他快结婚了。”“你说什么?”

say what?(informal)(表示惊奇)你说什么used to express surprise at what sb has just said

‘He's getting married.’ ‘Say what?’“他快结婚了。”“你说什么?”

say when(给饮料或食物时说)够了请说一声used to ask sb to tell you when you should stop pouring a drink or serving food for them because they have enough

three days from now, that is to say on Friday三天以后,也就是说星期五

that is to say换句话说;也就是说in other words

three days from now, that is to say on Friday三天以后,也就是说星期五

She's a better player than me, but that's not saying much(= because I am a very bad player) .她比我高明,但那也没什么了不起(因为我很差)。

thats not saying much也没什么了不起;这说明不了什么used to say that sth is not very unusual or special

She's a better player than me, but that's not saying much(= because I am a very bad player) .她比我高明,但那也没什么了不起(因为我很差)。

that said(用以缓和语气)话虽如此used to introduce an opinion that makes what you have just said seem less strong

There's no saying how he'll react.很难说他会有何种反应。

theres no saying说不准;很难说used to say that it is impossible to predict what might happen

There's no saying how he'll react.很难说他会有何种反应。

theres something, not much, etc. to be said for sth/doing sth有(或没有太多等)理由去做(或相信、同意)某事there are/are not good reasons for doing sth, bepeving sth or agreeing with sth

I was surprised, to say the least.毫不夸张地说,我感到吃惊。

to say the least毫不夸张地说without exaggerating at all

I was surprised, to say the least.毫不夸张地说,我感到吃惊。

It was too expensive, to say nothing of the time it wasted.这太贵了,更不用说它浪费的时间了。

to say nothing of sth更不用说…;而且还used to introduce a further fact or thing in addition to those already mentioned

It was too expensive, to say nothing of the time it wasted.这太贵了,更不用说它浪费的时间了。

‘We must stand up for ourselves.’ ‘Well said, John.’“我们必须自己起来保护自己。”“说得好,约翰。”

well said!(informal)说得好;完全赞同I agree completely

‘We must stand up for ourselves.’ ‘Well said, John.’“我们必须自己起来保护自己。”“说得好,约翰。”

What do you say to eating out tonight?今晚到外边吃饭,怎么样?

Let's go away for a weekend. What do you say?我们出去过周末,你说好不好?

what do/would you say (to sth/doing sth)(informal)你同意…吗;你看…好不好would you pke sth/to do sth?

What do you say to eating out tonight?今晚到外边吃饭,怎么样?

Let's go away for a weekend. What do you say?我们出去过周末,你说好不好?

Sarah wanted the kitchen painted green, and what she says, goes.萨拉想把厨房刷成绿色,而她说什么,就得照办。

what/whatever sb says, goes(informal)凡是…说的,都得照办;无论…说什么,都能行得通a particular person must be obeyed

Sarah wanted the kitchen painted green, and what she says, goes.萨拉想把厨房刷成绿色,而她说什么,就得照办。

whatever you say(informal)(因不想争论而同意)由你,随你used to agree to sb's suggestion because you do not want to argue

I know you're upset, but when all's said and done it isn't exactly a disaster.我知道你挺沮丧的,但说到底,事情并没什么大不了的。

when all is said and done说到底;毕竟;归根到底when everything is considered

I know you're upset, but when all's said and done it isn't exactly a disaster.我知道你挺沮丧的,但说到底,事情并没什么大不了的。

Who can say what will happen next year?谁能说得出明年会发生什么事?

who can say (…)?谁知道(…)used to say that nobody knows the answer to a question

Who can say what will happen next year?谁能说得出明年会发生什么事?

Who says I can't do it?谁说我干不了这个?

who says (…)?(informal)(表示不同意)谁说(…)used to disagree with a statement or an opinion

Who says I can't do it?谁说我干不了这个?

Who's to say we would not have succeeded if we'd had more time?要是时间更充裕,没准儿我们就已成功了,谁说得准呢?

whos to say (…)?(表示说不定某事会发生或本来会发生)谁说得准(…)used to say that sth might happen or might have happened in a particular way, because nobody really knows

Who's to say we would not have succeeded if we'd had more time?要是时间更充裕,没准儿我们就已成功了,谁说得准呢?

‘He's in a bad mood today.’ ‘You can say that again!’“他今天情绪不好。”“让你说对了!”

you can say that again(informal)让你说对了;一点没错;正是这样I agree with you completely

‘He's in a bad mood today.’ ‘You can say that again!’“他今天情绪不好。”“让你说对了!”

Look, I'll give you £100 for it. I can't say fairer than that.你看,我出 100 英镑买它,这再公道不过了。

you cant say fairer (than that)(informal)(出价时说)再公道不过了used to say that you think the offer you are making is reasonable or generous

Look, I'll give you £100 for it. I can't say fairer than that.你看,我出 100 英镑买它,这再公道不过了。

‘They left without us.’ ‘You don't say!’(= I'm not surprised)“他们撇下我们自个儿走了。”“真的吗?”

you dont say!(informal)我就知道;不会吧;不至于吧used to express surprise

‘They left without us.’ ‘You don't say!’(= I'm not surprised)“他们撇下我们自个儿走了。”“真的吗?”

‘I know I'm not the world's greatest cook.’ ‘You said it!’“我知道我的饭菜做得不是太好。”“这话可是你说的!”

you said it!(同意对方所作而碍于礼貌自己不便作出的评价)这话可是你说的used to agree with sb when they say sth about themselves that you would not have been rude enough to say yourself

‘I know I'm not the world's greatest cook.’ ‘You said it!’“我知道我的饭菜做得不是太好。”“这话可是你说的!”

(同意对方的提议)正合我心意used to agree with sb's suggestionn.— see alsosay your piece

1.[sing][u]~ (in sth)决定权;发言权the right to influence sth by giving your opinion before a decision is made

We had no say in the decision to sell the company.在决定出售公司的问题上,我们没有发言权。

People want a greater say in local government.人们要求在当地的政务中有更大的发言权。

The judge has the final say on the sentence.法官对判决有最后的决定权。


She won't be happy until she's had her say.她要把话都说出来才舒畅。

have your say(informal)有机会充分发表意见to have the opportunity to express yourself fully about sth

She won't be happy until she's had her say.她要把话都说出来才舒畅。


1.(表示惊讶或兴奋)嘿,啧啧used for showing surprise or pleasure

Say, that's a nice haircut!啧啧,这个头发剪得很漂亮!

2.(提请别人注意、提出建议或作出评论)喂,我说used for attracting sb's attention or for making a suggestion or comment

Say, how about going to a movie tonight?我说,今晚去看场电影怎么样?

v.1.说,讲;表达;表明,宣示;声明,主张,断定2.假定(说),比如说,就说,姑且说,大约3.背诵,背,念,诵读4.〈俚〉反驳5.〈美口〉同“I say”1.说,讲;表达;表明,宣示;声明,主张,断定2.假定(说),比如说,就说,姑且说,大约3.背诵,背,念,诵读4.〈俚〉反驳5.〈美口〉同“I say”


v.1.<spoken,AmE>Same as I say2.to express something using words3.to think something, or to have a particular opinion; if people say something or if something is said, it is the opinion of a lot of people4.to mean something by a statement; to have a particular meaning for someone5.to give information or orders in writing, numbers, pictures, etc.6.to show indirectly what someone or something is pke7.to imagine what will happen in a particular situation8.to use something as a possible example9.to tell someone to do something10.to repeat the words of something such as a prayer or speech that you have learned previously1.<spoken,AmE>Same as I say2.to express something using words3.to think something, or to have a particular opinion; if people say something or if something is said, it is the opinion of a lot of people4.to mean something by a statement; to have a particular meaning for someone5.to give information or orders in writing, numbers, pictures, etc.6.to show indirectly what someone or something is pke7.to imagine what will happen in a particular situation8.to use something as a possible example9.to tell someone to do something10.to repeat the words of something such as a prayer or speech that you have learned previously

n.1.the right to give your opinion and be involved in a discussion about something

int.1网站屏蔽ed for expressing surprise2网站屏蔽ed for getting someones attention before you ask a question or make a suggestion or remark

1.说 mouth 嘴 427 say ;讲 428 tick (钟表等滴嗒的)声音 429 ...

2.讲 singer 歌唱家;歌手 say nobody 没有人;没人 ...

3.说话 hold 抓住,握住 say 说话,讲话 in a hurry 匆忙 ...

4.发言权 saw n. 锯子,锯床v.锯,锯开 say n. 发言权,意见v.说,说明,比方说 sea n. 海,海洋 ...

5.念 sad 伤心的 79. say 说; ;背诵 80. School TV 学校电视台 81. ...

6.比如说 save vt. 救;节省;储蓄 say vt. 说;说明;比如说 school n. 学校;学院;学派 ...

7.假定 breed v. 导致, 造成 say v. 假定, 比方说 acceptable a. 值得接受的 ...

8.说明 sawed 锯 say 讲;说明;例如; said 上述的,该 ...