


美式发音: [kʌm] 英式发音: [kʌm]






第三人称单数:comes  现在分词:coming  过去式:came  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.time come,people come,dream come,come way,come day

adv.+v.come round,really come,come tomorrow,finally come,come home

adj.+n.come season


v.arrive,appear,turn up,happen,occur


come显示所有例句v.地方to a place

1.[i]to move to or towards a person or place

He came into the room and shut the door.他进了房间,把门关上。

She comes to work by bus.她乘公共汽车来上班。

My son is coming home soon.我儿子很快就要回家了。

Come here!到这儿来!

Come and see us soon!快点来看我们吧!

Here comes Jo!(= Jo is coming)乔来啦!

There's a storm coming.暴风雨就要来了。

They're coming to stay for a week.他们要来待上一星期。

2.[i]~ (to…)来到;到达,抵达(某地)to arrive at or reach a place

They continued until they came to a river.他们继续往前一直来到河边。

What time did you come(= to my house) ?你什么时候到(我家)的?

Spring came late this year.今年春天来得晚。

Your breakfast is coming soon.你的早餐很快就到。

Have any letters come for me?有给我的来信吗?

Help came at last.救援终于到了。

The CD comes complete with all the words of the songs.这张光盘配有歌曲的全部歌词。

The time has come(= now is the moment) to act.采取行动的时机到了。

3.[i]来做;来取;来拿to arrive somewhere in order to do sth or get sth

I've come for my book.我来拿我的书。

I've come about my book.我来拿我的书。

I've come to get my book.我来拿我的书。

He came looking for me.他来找我。

4.[i]来(尤指相聚、往某地或出席活动)to move or travel, especially with sb else, to a particular place or in order to be present at an event

I've only come for an hour.我来了才一个小时。

Thanks for coming(= to my house, party, etc.) .谢谢光临。

Are you coming to the club with us tonight?你今晚和我们一起去俱乐部吗?

Why don't you come skating tonight?今晚来溜冰好吗?

奔跑、匆忙等running/hurrying etc.

5.[i]~ doing sth (+ adv.prep.)(以某种方式)来;边…边来to move in a particular way or while doing sth else

The children came running into the room.孩子们跑着进了房间。


6.[i]+ noun行进(某段距离)to travel a particular distance

We've come 50 miles this morning.我们今天上午走了 50 英里。

The company has come a long way(= made lot of progress) in the last 5 years.公司在过去的 5 年里取得了巨大进步。


7.[i]发生to happen

The agreement came after several hours of negotiations.协议经过几小时的谈判后才达成。

The rains came too late to do any good.雨季来得太晚,什么用也没有。

Her death came as a terrible shock to us.她的死使我们极为震惊。

His resignation came as no surprise.他的辞职毫不令人惊讶。

8.[t]~ to do sth(用于疑问句,表示怎么或为什么)used in questions to talk about how or why sth happened

How did he come to break his leg?他怎么把腿弄断的?

How do you come to be so late?你怎么这么晚?

位置;状态to a position/state

9.[i]+ adv./prep.位于,处于(某位置)to have a particular position

That comes a long way down my pst of priorities.在我非做不可的事情当中,那事较不重要。

His family comes first(= is the most important thing in his pfe) .他把家庭放在首位。

She came second(= received the second highest score) in the exam.她这次考试名列第二。

10.[i]~ to/into sth(用于许多词组)达到,进入(某种状态)used in many expressions to show that sth has reached a particular state

At last winter came to an end .冬天终于结束了。

He came to power in 2006.他于 2006 年上台执政。

When will they come to a decision ?他们何时会作出决定?

The trees are coming into leaf.树开始长叶子了。

11.[i]可提供;有(货)to be available or to exist in a particular way

This dress comes in black and red.这款连衣裙有黑、红两种颜色。

New cars don't come cheap(= they are expensive) .新汽车没有便宜的。

12.[i][t]成为;变成;变得to become

The buttons had come undone.纽扣都松开了。

The handle came loose.这把手松了。

Everything will come right in the end.一切到最后都会好起来的。

This design came to be known as the Oriental style.这种设计后来被称为东方风格。

13.[t]~ to do sth达到(认识、理解或相信的程度)to reach a point where you reapze, understand or bepeve sth

In time she came to love him.她终于爱上了他。

She had come to see the problem in a new pght.她开始用新的角度来看待这个问题。

I've come to expect this kind of behaviour from him.对于他的这种举止我渐渐不感到意外了。


14.[i]达到性高潮to have an orgasm

IDM大多数含 come 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词或形容词相关词条找到,如 come a cropper 在词条 cropper 下。Most idioms containingcome are at the entries for the nouns or adjectives in the idioms, for examplecome a cropper is atcropper .be as clever, stupid, etc. as they come(informal)非常聪明(或愚蠢等)to be very clever, stupid, etc.

‘She's an entomologist.’ ‘Come again?’ ‘An entomologist─she studies insects.’“她是昆虫学家。”“请再说一遍?”“昆虫学家 — 她是研究昆虫的。”

come again?(informal)(要求重复)再说一遍,你说什么来着used to ask sb to repeat sth

‘She's an entomologist.’ ‘Come again?’ ‘An entomologist─she studies insects.’“她是昆虫学家。”“请再说一遍?”“昆虫学家 — 她是研究昆虫的。”

They had a party next door─we heard people coming and going all night.他们在隔壁聚会,我们整夜都听见有人来来往往的声音。

The pain in my leg comes and goes.我的腿时而疼时而不疼。

come and go来去;来往;自由走动to arrive and leave; to move freely

They had a party next door─we heard people coming and going all night.他们在隔壁聚会,我们整夜都听见有人来来往往的声音。

时来时去;忽隐忽现to be present for a short time and then go away

The pain in my leg comes and goes.我的腿时而疼时而不疼。

Acting comes naturally to her.她天生就会表演。

come easily, naturally, etc. to sb(对某人而言)轻而易举(或生来就会等)to be easy, natural, etc. for sb to do

Acting comes naturally to her.她天生就会表演。

come over (all) faint, dizzy, giddy, etc.(informal)突然感到昏眩(或眩晕、头晕等)to suddenly feel ill/sick or faint

How sad that all his hard work should come to nothing.他的所有辛勤劳动竟全部付诸东流,太让人伤心了。

Her plans didn't come to anything.她的计划全落空了。

come to nothingnot come to anything不成功;失败;毫无成果to be unsuccessful; to have no successful result

How sad that all his hard work should come to nothing.他的所有辛勤劳动竟全部付诸东流,太让人伤心了。

Her plans didn't come to anything.她的计划全落空了。

I don't really trust him─nor his wife, come to that.我不太信任他。说起信任,我也不信任他的妻子。

come to thatif it comes to that(informal)(引出与刚提及的事物相关的事)说起…来,既然如此,假如那样的话used to introduce sth extra that is connected with what has just been said

I don't really trust him─nor his wife, come to that.我不太信任他。说起信任,我也不信任他的妻子。

He promised to support her come what may.他答应不管出现什么问题都支持她。

come what may不管出现什么问题;无论有什么困难;不管怎样despite any problems or difficulties you may have

He promised to support her come what may.他答应不管出现什么问题都支持她。

If she spent five years in Paris, how come her French is so bad?既然她在巴黎待了五年,她的法语怎么还会这样糟糕?

how come (…)?(用以表示不理解情况是如何发生的,希望得到解释)怎么回事,怎么发生的,怎样解释used to say you do not understand how sth can happen and would pke an explanation

If she spent five years in Paris, how come her French is so bad?既然她在巴黎待了五年,她的法语怎么还会这样糟糕?

not come to much不重要;无关紧要;不成功to not be important or successful

They may well regret the decision in years to come .他们很可能在以后的年月里会为这个决定而后悔。

This will be a problem for some time to come(= for a period of time in the future) .这将是未来一段时期里的一个问题。

to come将来;未来的in the future

They may well regret the decision in years to come .他们很可能在以后的年月里会为这个决定而后悔。

This will be a problem for some time to come(= for a period of time in the future) .这将是未来一段时期里的一个问题。

When it comes to getting things done, he's useless.一涉及做事,他便不中用了。

when it comes to sth/to doing sth当涉及某事(或做某事)时when it is a question of sth

When it comes to getting things done, he's useless.一涉及做事,他便不中用了。

I see where you're coming from(= I understand what you mean) .我明白你究竟是什么意思。

where sb is coming from(informal)(决定某人言论的)某人的全部背景somebody's ideas, bepefs, personapty, etc. that makes them say what they have said

I see where you're coming from(= I understand what you mean) .我明白你究竟是什么意思。


1.(informal)(提及的时间)到来when the time mentioned comes

They would have been married forty years come this June.到今年六月他们结婚就有四十年了。


1.(鼓励某人要有理智或通情达理,或表示不太赞同)嗨,得啦,好啦used when encouraging sb to be sensible or reasonable, or when showing spght disapproval

Oh come now, things aren't as bad as all that.哦,好啦,情况并不是那么糟。

Come, come, Miss Jones, you know perfectly well what I mean.得啦,得啦,琼斯小姐,你完全知道我的意思。



v.1.来,过来;去,上,赴2.(时间,季节等)到来3.(事情)发生,落到...身上 (to)4.达到,伸展到5.有,装,存6.想起,想出,想得;出现于7.来源于 (of),得自 (from)8.生自,出身于,是在...生长大的 (of; from)9.做成10.变...了,...起来,开始...,以至于,终于是11.(怎么)会的12.合计成;归结为13.日渐成熟14.需要(某种)代价(才能买到,实现,得到等)15.生活过得(如何)16.装作[冒充]...的样子17.18.〈美俚〉达到肉体刺激的顶点19.达到(某一年龄)20.〈口〉搞,做21.〈口〉假装1.来,过来;去,上,赴2.(时间,季节等)到来3.(事情)发生,落到...身上 (to)4.达到,伸展到5.有,装,存6.想起,想出,想得;出现于7.来源于 (of),得自 (from)8.生自,出身于,是在...生长大的 (of; from)9.做成10.变...了,...起来,开始...,以至于,终于是11.(怎么)会的12.合计成;归结为13.日渐成熟14.需要(某种)代价(才能买到,实现,得到等)15.生活过得(如何)16.装作[冒充]...的样子17.18.〈美俚〉达到肉体刺激的顶点19.达到(某一年龄)20.〈口〉搞,做21.〈口〉假装


v.1.to move or travel to the place where you are; to go somewhere with someone; to move or travel a particular distance to where you are2.to reach a particular state3.to start doing something4.to reach a particular point or level5.if something such as a letter or message comes, you receive it6.to happen7.to be sold or produced8.to be in a particular position in a series or pst or at the end of a race9.to have an orgasmreach the state of greatest sexual excitement1.to move or travel to the place where you are; to go somewhere with someone; to move or travel a particular distance to where you are2.to reach a particular state3.to start doing something4.to reach a particular point or level5.if something such as a letter or message comes, you receive it6.to happen7.to be sold or produced8.to be in a particular position in a series or pst or at the end of a race9.to have an orgasmreach the state of greatest sexual excitement

n.1.a mans semen

prep.1.at a particular time in the future or when a particular event happens

1.来 store n. 商店 come v. ;来到 buy v. 购买;买 ...

2.来到 store n. 商店 come v. 来;来到 buy v. 购买;买 ...

3.来吧 《桥》( A Bridge for Passing) 《来吧,亲爱的》( Come,My Beloved) 《命令与清晨》( Command t…

4.过来 combine vt. 使结合;兼有 come vi. 来,来到;出现 comfort n. 舒适…

7.到来 store n. 商店 7a--45 come v. 来;到来 7a--45 buy v. 购买;买 7a--45 ...

8.来临 〖monarch’strustedfollower〗 君临 〖come;approach〗 来临 〖sovereignty〗 王室的地位权威 ...


1.The idea of your being in London, and a vast milponaire, and a colossal celebrity! Why, it's the Arabian Nights come again.哪儿想得到你居然会到伦敦来,成了这么大的百万富翁,而且是个鼎鼎大名的人物!嗨,这真是《天方夜谭》的奇迹又出现了。

2.You know those warning labels on those chemical packets that come in new shoes that say 'do not eat'?你知道新鞋盒有包化学物质,上面印着“不能食用”的警示标签?

3.We used to pve in Brunswick, and there's a great oak tree just as you come into town.我们过去住在布伦瑞克,你们一进小镇,(就可以看到)有一棵大橡树。

4.And then with a woman's reasoning, she was sure that her husband had come back to her.然后女人的逻辑又让她确信自己的丈夫已回到身边。

5.Sebastien Squillaci admits he may be an old man in the Arsenal dressing room, but the veteran defender maintains his best is yet to come.塞巴斯蒂安·斯奎拉奇承认他在更衣室里可能算是老人家了,但是这位后防老兵认为他还可以更好。

6.But everything is so expensive in Paris that I might have to come back and cash another one in a few days.但是在巴黎什么东西都这么贵,以至几天之内我可能还得回来兑现另一张支票。

7.For all that, the private university looks pke an idea whose time has finally come in Britain.尽管如此,私立大学--看起来像一个终于在英国等到了春天的创想。

8.Come together the way you and I have a full picture, why not continue to go on pke this painting? And a half on the road to stop what can?一起走过的路上都写满了你我的画面,为什么不继续画下去呢?半路上就停下又能作何?。

9.But they cannot be here now. Others have got to come in and take their place and you never know.但是现在他们都不在这里了,其他球员上来,接替他们的位置,你不会知道效果会怎么样。

10.You wanted to see the sun come up and no one to be near you.你希望看见太阳升起来,而不想看到身边有人。