


美式发音: [ˈkʌtləs] 英式发音: ['kʌtləs]






1.(旧时水手和海盗用的)短剑,短弯刀a short sword with a curved blade that was used as a weapon by sailors and pirates in the past



n.1.a short sword with a curved blade used in the past by pirates

na.1.The variant of cutlas

1.短剑 Into the Wild《 荒野生存》 Cutlass奥斯莫比剑》 Jumper《 时空骇客》 ...

4.短弯刀 群星幻影 Star Mirage 短弯刀 Cutlass 雷电 Thunderbolt ...

5.弯短剑 宽剑( broadsword) 弯短剑cutlass) 弯刀( falchion) ...

6.微弯剑 弯刀 Scimitar ② 微弯剑 Cutlass ② 土耳其剑 Ataghan ② ...

7.短剑号 USS-478 Cutlass 短剑号)简介2 SS-426 Tusk 长牙号)简介2 ...

8.单刀 大刀 broadsword 单刀 cutlass 斧 ax ...


1.One man, in a red night-cap, with his cutlass in his mouth, had even got upon the top and thrown a leg across.一个戴顶红色睡帽的人,衔着他的弯刀,甚至已经爬到了栅栏顶上,一条腿已经迈了过来。

2.slung about him - one before and one behind - besides the great cutlass at his waist, and a pistol in each pocket of his square-tailed coat.希尔弗一前一后背了两支枪,腰间别着一把大弯刀,方襟外套两边的口袋里也各装了一支手枪。

3.Mechanically I obeyed, turned eastwards, and with my cutlass raised, ran round the corner of the house.我机械地服从命令向东转,举着弯刀跑步绕过屋角。

4.pork , powder , and biscuit was the cargo , with only a musket and a cutlass apiece for the squire and me and red ruth and the captain.这回装的是猪肉火药和面包干,此外,只为乡绅我雷卓斯以及船长每个人各带了一支火枪和一柄弯刀。

5.and, though he wore a cutlass, he did not look much pke a fighter.虽然他也带着水手弯刀,但他那副样子实在不像个勇猛好斗的人。

6.Bloodthirsty and elegant, the Sea- Elvish Pirates is a strange mixture of water and blood, wind and cutlass.嗜血而优雅的海洋精灵海盗们是水与血、风与刃的奇妙的结合体。

7.Meanwhile a third pirate appeared suddenly in the doorway, and fell with his cutlass on the doctor.这时,第三个海盗突然出现在门口,举着他的腰刀扑向医生。

8.The boy supported him. 'Tick up the cutlass! Give it to me!那孩子过去扶他,那人道:“拾起刀,递给我!”

9.Our ships are in pursuit, and justice will be dispensed by cannonade and cutlass, and all manner of remorseless pieces of metal.我们的船正在追击,并且,公正会随同炮弹,刀剑以及各种无情的金属碎片一起降临。

10.The evil pirate grinned wickedly down at them, gesturing grandly with his cutlass.邪恶海盗笑坏透了他们,指着他的弯刀隆重。