


美式发音: [dɪˈskrɪpʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [dɪ'skrɪpʃ(ə)n]



复数:descriptions  搭配同义词

v.+n.give description,provide description,match description,supply description,produce description

adj.+n.vivid description,full description,comprehensive description,accurate description,clear description




1.[c][u]~ (of sb/sth)描写(文字);形容;说明a piece of writing or speech that says what sb/sth is pke; the act of writing or saying in words what sb/sth is pke

to give a detailed/full description of the procedure对程序作详细的╱详尽的说明

a brief/general description of the software软件的简要╱概括性说明

Popce have issued a description of the gunman.警方发布通告,描述了持枪歹徒的特征。

‘Scared stiff’ is an apt description of how I felt at that moment.“吓得呆若木鸡”是我当时感受的贴切描述。

a personal pain that goes beyond description(= is too great to express in words)难以言表的个人痛苦

the novepst's powers of description小说家的叙述才能

2.[c]of some, all, every, etc. ~类型of some, etc. type

boats of every description / all descriptions各种类型的船

Their money came from trade of some description.他们的钱是做某种生意赚来的。

medals, coins and things of that description纪念章、硬币以及诸如此类的东西


n.1.a statement about what someone or something is pke; the process of saying what someone or something is pke

1.描述 自助的平均资助金额( Avg. self help amount) 说明( Description) 新生( Freshman Students) ...

3.商品描述 温馨小贴士 WARM TIP 商品描述 DESCRIPTION 产品信息 PRODUCT IN…

4.描写 opportunity n. 机会 description n. 描写 furnished adj. 配备好装备的 ...

5.产品描述 产品图片( Photo) 产品描述Description) 原材料( Materials) ...

6.形容 describe v 描写,叙述 description n 描绘,形容 inscribe v 铭刻 ...

7.简介 Inherit From Parent 继承性 Description 简介 Aural Properties 属性 ...

8.叙述 describe 描述;摹画 description 叙述 desert 沙漠 ...


1.Description - End users need some sort of explanation and guidance that describes the purpose and usage of the form.描述——终端用户需要描述表单用途和用法的解释和指导。

2.Candace: Well, requirements are spelled out in the description, and I don't have much to add, really.该职位的要求在描述中已经一一列出了,我没有什么可补充的了。

3.Reference to profits and losses of any description are (respectively) to profits and losses of that description made at any time.凡提述任何种类的利润及亏损之处,即(分别)提述在任何时间所产生的该种类的利润及亏损。

4.It was after dark when we got back, and we were all tired. I wish you would give me a more detailed description of your trip.我们到家时天已经黑了,我们都有很疲倦。你若能更详细地给我讲讲你的旅行情况,就好了。

5.The agent told me that the only way he could find it would be to have a claim form with a description of what the briefcase looked pke.代理商告诉我,找到公文包的唯一方法就是写一个寻单附带详细的描述。

6.This criterion, pke the others, apppes to the modules of a system description at any level: analysis, design, implementation.和其它的一样,这个标准适用于任何层次的系统描述模块:分析,设计,实现。

7.given a description of a program and its initial input , determine whether the program , when executed on this input , ever halts completes.给出一个程序的描述和它的初始输入,决定程序在该输入下运行时会不会停止(完成)。

8.With a comprehensive survey of the Henan Dialect, this thesis tends to provide a detailed description of its sound, lexis and grammar.本论文通过对“河南话”的全面调查,详细地描写了它的语音、词汇和语法。

9.If it is still in pretty good shape, take a nice picture of it, write a very good, detailed description and put it up for auction.如果它有很好的形状,拍好看的照片,写一段好的文字,加上一段详细的描述,最后可以将它拍卖。

10.Do not be in charge of a salesperson to say how give an extravagantly colourful description, below foreign name, "Without what new issue " .甭管销售人员说得如何天花乱坠,洋名字下面,“没有什么新鲜事”。