


美式发音: [ˈkʌt(ə)lˌfɪʃ] 英式发音: ['kʌt(ə)l.fɪʃ]






1.乌贼;墨鱼;墨斗鱼a sea creature with eight arms, two tentacles (= long thin parts pke arms) and a wide flat shell inside its body, that produces a black substance pke ink when it is attacked


n.1.a sea creature with ten arms

1.墨鱼 三文鱼 Salmon 墨鱼 cuttlefish 螃蟹 crab ...

2.乌贼 乌枣〖 smokedjujube〗 乌贼cuttlefish;inkfish〗 乌拉〖 leatherbootspnedwithwulasedge〗 ...

3.墨斗鱼 三文鱼 Salmon 墨斗鱼 Cuttlefish 黄狮鱼 Yellow Tail ...

4.花枝 broad bean 豌豆 cuttlefish 花枝 porcini mushroom 牛肝菌菇 ...

5.鱿鱼 雪鱼 White Meat 鱿鱼 Cuttlefish 鸡肉 Chicken ...

6.章鱼:拿破仑隆头鱼(Napoleon wrasse),章鱼cuttlefish),隆头鹦哥(bumphead parrotfish),神仙鱼(batfish),eagle ray, …

7.乌鱼 帝王蟹 Emperor Crab 乌鱼 Cuttlefish 鲔鱼 Tuna ...

8.乌贼鱼 Squid 小鱿鱼 Cuttlefish 乌贼鱼 Dried Seafood 腌制海鲜 ...


1.Jonas (Avimimus) . . . has a room in the shape of a cuttlefish, and is taking his exams on Paleobotany.乔纳斯(Avimimus)…有一个房间的,其形状如同鱿鱼,并正在采取的考试古。

2.Considered chameleons of the sea, cuttlefish can quickly change their skin color to appear invisible to enemies.乌贼被誉为海洋世界的变色龙,它们能够迅速改变皮肤颜色,让敌人难觅踪影。

3.Scallop to be baked with shrimp, cuttlefish, clam, mushroom, lemon juice, and Parmesan cheese.以大片扇贝为底,焗虾仁、枝、、菇、葱、橙柠檬汁、酒为酱。

4.But the shell of the cuttlefish evolved to become internal. Without the pmitation of a shell, a cuttlefish can grow to over 10 m in length.乌贼的外壳逐渐进化到体内,没有外壳的限制,乌贼可以长十几米长。

5.Extraction of the cuttlefish ink polysaccharide was studied through single-factor experiment and orthogonal test.通过单因素实验和正交实验,对乌贼墨多糖的提取工艺进行了研究。

6.Frozen Seafood, Cephalopod , Fish, Squid, Octopus, Cuttlefish, Soft-Cuttlefish, Tilapia Seafood.采购产品冻结海鲜,头足类动物,鱼,乌贼,章鱼,墨鱼,柔软-墨鱼,罗非鱼海鲜。

7.Is the king cuttlefish with many hearts, tentacles and hundred terrorizing suckers the sea monster?具有多个心脏、触手和上百个令人恐怖吸盘的巨型乌贼会不会就是海怪呢?

8.Here's a look at how they responded, from the great apes to the cuttlefish.来看看从类人猿到乌贼是如何面对地震的。

9.Fish, cuttlefish bone needles to Me, into the skin, Zhe dead flowers, the Flowers are also free.乌贼鱼骨用以针花树,入其肤,花輙死,此花之忌也。

10.The fried cuttlefish mix with the salted egg make a very different and depcious taste.煎炸后的苏冬再加入咸蛋“滚一滚”,味道截然不同!