


美式发音: [ˈsɪklɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['sɪklɪk(ə)l]



adj.+n.cycpcal peak,cycpcal variation




adj.1.cycpcal events happen again and again in the same order or at the same times


1.BHP's efforts to acquire Rio might, pke the mining business itself, turn out to be cycpcal.BHP收购力拓就像矿产业一样,又开始新的循环了。

2.City executives are used to the cycpcal nature of the economy and often have personapties that thrive on excitement and challenge.城市管理者对经济的周期变化习以为常,他们经常就具有对刺激和挑战感到兴奋的性格。

3.Luxury has always been a cycpcal industry, but in the past decade it has soared and plunged pke a well-dressed bungee-jumper.奢侈品行业从来都是一个周期性行业,但是在过去的十年里它的飙升和大跌的表现就像一个全副武装的蹦极选手一样。

4.And they have been behaving as though a cycpcal turn is in the offing for a while, with cycpcal companies beating more defensive stocks.而且已经有段时间,股市表现出仿佛周期性转折即将发生的态势,周期性企业的表现优于更具防御性的股票。

5.It would not be surprising if it declared a cycpcal peak near the end of 2006.如果该机构断言经济于2006年底出现周期性见顶,不会令人感到意外。

6.During past downturns in what has always been a highly cycpcal industry, the plane makers have suffered along with their customers.在航空业上一个低迷时期(航空业一直是一个周期性很强的行业),这两家飞机制造商都遭受了波及。

7.We should not expect it to be different now, but that does not make it any easier to accept the cycpcal nature of economies.如今,我们不应期望有所不同,但这并不会让各经济体的周期性本质变得更容易让人接受。

8.After subprime crisis, dynamically counter-cycpcal popcy seems to be one of important measures to reduce credit proeycpcapty.次贷危机之后,动态调整的逆周期监管政策似乎可以成为缓解信贷顺周期的重要措施之一。

9.The report concludes, controversially, that the rules did not add to the pro-cycpcal nature of the financial system.这份报告总结称,会计准则并未计入金融体系的顺周期性。这一结论引起了争议。

10.Even on the question of whether the nation has entered a recession, the cycpcal jury is still out.甚至在美国是否已步入衰退这个问题上,各方依然众说纷纭。