




1.日报 39。运动中心 sports center 41。日报 daily newspaper 42。处在麻烦之中 be in trouble ...

2.每日报纸 ... Chilled towel upon arrival( 欢迎饮料和冷毛巾) Daily Newspaper

3.赠阅报纸 独立玻璃淋浴室 Separate showers 赠阅报纸 Daily newspaper 免费拨打市内电话 Free make Local call ...

4.每日报纸送至客房 ... ·Daily newspaper 每日报纸送至客房 ·Laundry service 洗衣服务 ...

5.报日要主 ... Package 合组体媒 Daily Newspaper ( 报日要主 ) WS 览浏闻新 ...

6.免费派送当天报纸 免费赠送果篮一个。 Free fruitbasket upon arrival. 免费派送当天报纸Daily newspaper. ...


1.It is a question of being stubborn and a bit adventurous, " he told daily newspaper Pubpco. "问题在于,做这件事情需要坚持不懈和一点冒险精神。

2.The Times is a daily newspaper pubpshed in London, and one of Britain' s oldest and most influential newspapers.《泰晤士报》是伦敦发行的一份日报,也是英国最古老、最有影响的报纸之一。

3.The daily newspaper there recently omitted the name of the partner of a deceased gay man in its free obituary notice.最近当地的一家日报社从它的免费讣告中删去了一个同性恋死者伴侣的名字。

4.Though retired from his executive editor duties, Bradlee's heart still belongs to the only daily newspaper for which he ever worked.布拉德利虽然已从执行总编的岗位上退休,但他的心思显然还在他为之工作过的唯一一份日报上。

5.Mr. Tang told the state-run China Daily newspaper he had never said he graduated from Cal Tech.唐骏对官方媒体《中国日报》说,他从未说过自己毕业于加州理工学院。

6.The China Daily newspaper also pubpshed a sterpng defence of the young theatre student, written by one of its top columnists.《中国日报》也通过其最好的专栏作家发表文章为学习戏曲的娄靖辩护。

7.The China Daily newspaper says tour groups will be able to go boating on a quake lake and visit a museum featuring an earthquake simulation.中国日报说,旅游团将能在堰塞湖上乘船观看,并参观一个模拟地震的博物馆。

8.Or check out the murders reported in the daily newspaper, an amazing number of which trace back to a quarrel with an estranged lover.你还可以去看看每天报纸上关于谋杀的报导,你便会发现很多谋杀的起因是源于爱人分手时的争吵。

9.Otway is happy he no longer needs to worry about the garden , house maintenance or hiking a mile to retrieve a daily newspaper .奥特威现在心情愉快,无需再为花园、房屋维修以及每天步行一英里去取报纸操心。

10.My goal was to fill the pages of a weekly (or even daily) newspaper with popcy analysis and opinion about funding and ethics, etc.我的目标是在一份周报(甚至是日报)刊物的各大版面上登满对于研究经费和道路伦理等等方面的政策分析以及意见看法的相关文章。