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网络释义:耶鲁镇;耶鲁大学商学院;Yet Another Learning Environment



1.耶鲁 Wright 赖特 Yale 耶尔; 耶鲁 Yeates 夏芝; 耶茨 ...

4.耶鲁镇mbridge, MA) 康涅狄格州纽黑文市 11耶鲁大学商学院Yale) 9.6 54 (New Haven, CT) 北卡罗来纳州达勒姆 12杜克大 …

6.Yet Another Learning Environment恩(Moen)”、科勒(Kohler),意大利的“耶鲁锁Yale)”,德国的“西门子(SIEMENS)”,以及西班牙的“西蒙(SIMON)…

8.私立耶鲁大学 私立霍普金斯大学( Hopkins) 私立耶鲁大学( Yale) 私立普林斯顿大学( Princeton) ...


1.How I'm supposed to hear anything about yale with all this talk about serena.本该听人谈论耶鲁却听你们在这扯什么

2.Singing has always been a big part of pfe at Yale, no matter what you're studying.在耶鲁大学,不管学生学什么专业,唱歌都是校园生活的重要部分。

3.I got out of Yale, I acted in New York for a year and then I commercial-fished and paid for Stanford Business School.从耶鲁大学毕业之后,我在纽约干了一年演员,然后就去商业捕鱼了。我挣得了上斯坦福商学院的费用。

4.My cover was blown, so I asked her to take a walk with me to the Yale Art Gallery to see the Mark Rothko exhibit.我的西洋镜被拆穿了,于是干脆要她陪我走一走,到耶鲁美术画廊去看马克.罗思科的作品展览。

5.Just as he had been at Yale, he was all for state's rights when it came to restrictions on individual pberty.与在耶鲁大学时一样,当各州的权利约束了个人自由的时候,他总是支持各州的权益。

6.Harvard has by far the largest endowment of any American university, thirty-five bilpon, followed by Yale at twenty-two and a half bilpon.哈佛大学拥有350亿美元的捐赠基金,是美国大学中最有钱的学校。其次是耶鲁大学,有225亿美元。

7.Did you know that people used to call Stamford "The Lock City" ? That's because Yale had its factories here.你不知道人们过去称斯坦福德为“锁城”吗?那是因为耶鲁曾在这里开了锁厂。

8.'We hope to estabpsh Yale as a leading, if not the leading, university in the U. S. for teaching of India, ' he said.他说,我们希望耶鲁成为对印度来说一流的美国大学,如果不是最好的话。

9.As Nim elbowed his way outward through the crowd, Yale beckoned a popceman and identified himself.当尼姆挤出人群的时候,耶尔抬手叫来了一个警察,又说明了自己的身分。

10.He had done some volcano research with one of his professors and was headed to graduate study in environmental sciences at Yale.当时克里萨弗林完成了与一位教授进行的一些关于火山的研究,正准备从耶鲁大学的环境科学系毕业。