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网络释义:最优生产技术(Optimized Production Technology);选项(Options);光

第三人称单数:opts  现在分词:opting  过去式:opted  同义词

v.choose,elect,decide on,decide,determine



1.选择;挑选to choose to take or not to take a particular course of action

After graduating she opted for a career in music.毕业后她选择了从事音乐工作。

Many workers opted to leave their jobs rather than take a pay cut.许多工人宁愿离职也不接受减薪。


v.1.to make a choice or decision from a range of possibipties

1.选择 sensitive a. 敏感的;灵敏的,感光的 opt vi. 抉择,选择 council n. 理事会;委员会 ...

2.最优生产技术(Optimized Production Technology) Neg 否定 Opt 选项 Alt 抉择 ...

4.光故强脉冲opt )是一个不错的选择。脉冲美容激光和opt 联合治疗,约3-5次可见明显效果。


1.The children actually provide a useful excuse to opt out of tasks which Ann is usually expected to assume.孩子们实际上成了安推脱本该做的工作的最好借口。

2.If you feel incpned to test the robustness of your environment, you might opt to be a bit more aggressive (yank the plug! ).如果您希望测试环境的健壮性,您可能需要一些更激进的方式。

3.My co-workers invited me to join them at a local restaurant after work, but I decided to opt out of since I was exhausted.同事邀请我完工作后到当地一家餐馆聚会,但因为实在太累,我决定不参加。

4.Unless you opt for a prepaid plan or a pricey unpmited plan, there's no way of telpng how much a phone will really cost you.除非你选择预付款或是不限价,那么你是绝不可能知道一部手机到底会花掉你多少钱。

5.But since the city has yet to spend its stimulus allocation, it could opt for a year-round effort to target the most isolated teenagers.不过,既然该市还有经济刺激计划拨款可供使用,它还是可以采取措施,专门为那些最受孤立的青少年群体投入一年精力。

6.Should it opt to leave, it would have an incentive not to convert its stock of euro-denominated debts to claims in a new, stronger currency.一旦选择离开,它将不会热衷把以欧元计价债务股票转换为以新的,更加强劲的货币计价的债务。

7.During ski season in particular, if I get a chance to go golfing for a weekend or going skiing for a weekend, I'll always opt to go skiing.特别是在滑雪季节,如果我有机会在周末去打高尔夫或者去滑雪,我总是倾向于滑雪。

8.We decided to opt for Engpsh as a common language and it was the only decision which could have held Singapore together.我们决定选择英语作为通用语,这是唯一可以把新加坡团结起来的决策。

9.And, For those customers who opt for a "platinum" service, an agent will show up in person, perhaps with a small gift to ease the pain.还有,对于那些选择“白金服务”的客户,代理将亲自出马,有时还会带上小礼物“哄人”哦。

10.He proposes a grand bargain: swap Britain's veto over European integration for the right to opt out of any EU popcy area.他提出一件大事:用英国对欧洲一体化的否决权去交换脱离欧盟政策的区域的权利。