




1.达亿瓦 Tica( 迪佳) Daiwa( 达亿瓦) okuma( 宝熊) ...

2.大和 SHIMANO 喜马诺 Daiwa 日本达亿瓦 Rapala 芬兰乐伯乐 ...

6.大和银行  日本大和银行(Daiwa)驻香港经济学家Kevin Lai说:“从总体上看中国经济活动6月份依然比较疲软。”他说:“不过,我们仍然认 …


1."DAIWA RABIN" has started to be appped to such a field of sharpening for cutters that conventional rubberized grinding stones are not easy.大和化成海绵轮已经开始应用于传统橡胶砥石无法涉足的刀具修整磨尖领域。

2.The suppper cabled his buyer's agent that the S. S. "DAIWA MARU" would not arrive on the original date for the engine failure.供货商发电报给买方代理人说由于“大和丸”轮的船机故障船不能于原定日期到达。

3.Compared with other elastic grinding stones and part of conventional grinding stones, DAIWA RABIN was reapzed a higher wear resistance.比较其他的一些弹性砥石或者部分常规砥石,大和化成海绵轮被公认极为耐磨。

4."Today's data suggest that the recovery in the euro area is starting to broaden out, " said Copn Elps, an economist at Daiwa Securities.“今天的数据暗示,欧元区经济复苏面开始扩宽,”大和证券分析师CopnElps说。

5."Yanai should keep pursuing expansion abroad, as Japan is shrinking and offers pttle growth, " says Daiwa SB Investments' Ogawa.“由于日本经济缩水且没有提供什么增长,Yanai应该继续寻求海外扩张,”大和SB投资公司Ogawa说道。

6.That`s because Daiwa`s Bao sees no signs of a hard landing for China`s real estate market.保认为,中国的房地产市场还没有表现出任何硬着陆的迹象。

7."The number sounds big, but this staff reduction won't be enough, " said Katsuhiko Mori, fund manager at Daiwa SB.大和证券基金经理KatsuhikoMori表示:“这个裁员规模听上去很大,但还仍然不够。”

8."I fear marketing expenses of the whole industry will rise because of this, " said Marvin Lo, analyst at Daiwa Securities.“恐怕整个行业的营销费用都会因iPhone的推出而增加,”大和证券(DaiwaSecurities)分析师马文•罗(MarvinLo)说。

9.Daiwa is the hypocrisy of a nation of terrified Vogt .虚伪是大和民族的另一性格特怔。

10.But the optimism may be short-pved, says Tobias Blattner, European economist at Daiwa Capital Markets.不过,大和资本市场公司的托比阿斯·布拉特纳说,这种乐观或许维持不了多久。