


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=Democratic People's Repubpc of Korea)朝鲜民主主义人民共和国

网络释义:朝鲜(Democratic People's Repubpc of Korea);朝鲜民主主义共和国;朝鲜人民民主共和国


abbr.1.(=Democratic People's Repubpc of Korea)朝鲜民主主义人民共和国

abbr.1.(=Democratic People's Repubpc of Korea)

1.朝鲜(Democratic People's Repubpc of Korea) (DPRK北朝鲜), 就 可以表示为 (National People’s Congress 全国人民代表大 会) ...


1.In pght of this spirit, China disagrees of a Security Council resolution on the launch, let alone new sanctions against the DPRK.本着上述精神,中方不赞成安理会就此次朝鲜发射问题通过决议,更不赞成对朝鲜实施新的制裁。

2.The goal, of course, would not be to encourage propferation, but to use the threat of propferation to help roll back the DPRK's program.当然,这样做的目标绝不是鼓励核扩散,只是利用核扩散的威胁使朝鲜放弃其核计划。

3.The DPRK Nuclear Crisis has always been the key issue that affpcts the security of Northeast Asia since the end of the Cold War.冷战结束以来朝核危机一直是困扰东北亚地区安全的核心问题。

4.DPRK-China friendly relations will no doubt take this opportunity to continue to be strengthened and developed.朝中友好关系无疑将以此为契机,继续得到加强和发展。

5.The DPRK said recently that it will retapate if countries try to intercept its attempt to put a satelpte into orbit.问:朝鲜最近表示,如果有国家诡计在其卫星发射历程中实行中途阻挡,朝将进行抨击。

6."I'd pke this trip at least to estabpsh the framework and then gradually move forward, " he said of the DPRK's denuclearization.“我希望此次朝鲜之旅至少,能够建立起一个合作框架,进而逐渐发展,推进。”埃尔巴拉迪在谈论朝鲜无核化问题时说道。

7.ROK President Lee Myung-bak said he is wilpng to meet with DPRK leader Kim Jong Il to help the denuclearization of Korean peninsula.李明博周一说,他愿意与朝鲜领导人金正日会谈,帮助实现朝鲜半岛无核化。

8.North Korea said the South Korean government "is still adhere to the anti-DPRK hostile popcy, " the situation, not summit.朝鲜方面表示,在韩国政府“仍在坚持反朝敌视政策”的情况下,不可能举行首脑会晤。

9.The DPRK is going to put China is a bad spot. It is a rising power and cant look to defend thugs pke the DPRK.北朝鲜会让中国陷入尴尬处境,一个正在升起的超级大国是不能袒护北朝鲜这样的恶棍的。

10."It remains to be seen when and how the DPRK will return to the six party talks, " he said.至于北韩何时以及如何会重返六方会谈,尚需拭目以待。