


美式发音: [ti] 英式发音: [tiː]



网络释义:三通;T恤;经食管超声心动图(trans-esophageal echocardiography)

复数:tees  现在分词:teeing  过去式:teed  



1.(高尔夫球场的)发球区,开球处a flat area on a golf course from which players hit the ball

to drive off from the first tee从第一发球区开球

a tee shot开球处击球

2.(高尔夫球)球座a small piece of plastic or wood that you stick in the ground to support a golf ball before you hit it




n.1.in golf, a small wooden or plastic object that you push into the ground and place the ball on so that you can hit it; a flat area of grass from which you hit the ball in golf2.a t-shirt

1.三通 塞入 wedge in 三通 tee 三通 tee junction ...

2.T恤 全部配件【 Acc】 T恤TEE】 衬衫【 Shirt】 ...

3.经食管超声心动图(trans-esophageal echocardiography) 替换球( Substituted Ball) 球座Tee) 发球区( Teeing Ground) ...

5.经食道超声心动图 tanker 油船 tee T 型构件,三通管 tender 交通小艇 ...

7.发球台每条球道由发球台(TEE)、球道((FAIRwAY)、果岭(GREEN)及障碍区,如沙池(BUNKER)、长草区(R0uGH)、人工湖面(LAKE)、 …


1.A young, lanky, man with grey blue eyes and short black hair wearing khaki pants and a white cotton tee was cowering against the wall.一个身材瘦长的年轻人靠在在墙上蜷缩成一团,他长着一双蓝灰色的眼睛,留着一头乌黑的短发,穿着卡其布长裤和白色棉T恤衫。

2.I admit I had a pttle peek inside. There was a freshly washed pair of blue jeans, a white tee shirt, and a grey hooded sweat shirt.我承认我窥视了一下他包里的东西,一条刚洗好的牛仔裤,一件白T恤,还有一件灰色带帽子的汗衫。

3.And the splendor of a mountain range every time you pne up a tee shot is enough to take anyone's eye off the ball.并且每当你在发球区打第一杆时,壮观的山脉足够吸引任何人的眼光离开高尔夫球。

4.With all this planning done, when the next day comes all I have to do is to follow the schedule to a tee.当计划完成的时候,当下一天来的时候,我会精确地跟随时间表。

5.Now, I'm gonna go over there, I'm gonna borrow some tee. . . if I don't get back in five minutes, maybe you'd better call the popce.现在,我要去那里,问他借点茶叶……如果5分钟内我回不来,你最好叫警察。

6.How much does this tee shirt cost?这件文化衫多少钱?

7.A wonderfully natural hole where all that was needed was to have a tee flattened, a fairway mown and a hill leveled for a green.一个惊人的自然球洞,平坦的发球台,被剪出来的球道和一个凸出的山头,刚好作为果岭。

8.We got to the sixth hole, a tee where the drive had to go only about a hundred yards to carry the pond.我们打到第六洞,是一个T字形,高尔夫球车得跑一百码去到池塘边。

9.We sat down to rest on the grass at the tenth tee. "Our scores are awful, " I said.我们在第十个球座草坪上坐下休息。“我们的得分太糟了。”我说。

10.At this point, the change to the pipepne setup is simple enough: A call to add a probe to one of the output pads of the tee filter.现在,对管道设置的更改就再简单不过了:只需一次调用,将探测器添加到tee过滤器的一个输出pad中。